버킹검궁 메건 마클은 '지금 진통 중' VIDEO: Meghan Markle has gone into labor and the royal baby is on the way

Meghan Markle has gone into labor and the royal baby is on the way

Mikhaila Friel 6m

Meghan Markle has gone into labor, Buckingham Palace confirmed.

The Duchess of Sussex, 37, and Prince Harry, 34, announced last year that they were expecting their first child.

The couple revealed earlier this month that they are planning on keeping the details of the birth "private."

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The Duchess of Sussex is in labor, Buckingham Palace has confirmed.

Meghan Markle. Max Mumby/ Indigo/ Getty Images.

버킹검궁 메건 마클은 '지금 진통 중'

    해리 왕자와 메건 마클은 이전에 "새로운 가족으로서 개인적으로 축하할 수 있는 시간"이 있을 때까지 출생에 관한 세부사항을 비밀로 할 계획을 발표했다.

부부는 윈저 성터에서 갓난아기와 함께 포토콜을 할 예정이지만, 출산 후 며칠이 지나서야 화보 촬영을 할 수 있게 됐다.

아기의 성별은 아직 밝혀지지 않았다.

영국 왕위 계승 서열 7위인 베이비 서섹스는 영국 런던의 개구리모어 코티지(Frogmore Cottage)에 있는 새 거주지에서 해리와 마크에 의해 양육된다.

이 커플은 켄싱턴 궁전을 떠나 4월에 10개의 침실 컨트리 매니어로 이사했다. 보도에 따르면 이 커플은 출산을 앞두고 더 많은 사생활과 공간을 얻기 위해 그곳으로 이동했다고 한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle previously announced plans to keep the details surrounding the birth secret until they have time to "celebrate privately as a new family."

The couple are set to hold a photo call with their new baby at the grounds of Windsor Castle, but not until a few days after the birth.

The baby's gender has not yet been revealed.

Baby Sussex, who will be seventh in line to the British throne, will be raised by Harry and Markle at their new residence in Frogmore Cottage in London.

The pair moved out of Kensington Palace and into the 10-bedroom country manor in April. The couple reportedly moved there for more privacy and space ahead of the birth.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle/The Cheat Sheet

edited by kcontents

Throughout Markle's pregnancy, there has been major speculation as to what her baby's title will be. According to former royal butler and etiquette expert Grant Harrold, the baby will not be given the title of prince or princess unless given special permission by the Queen.

While there are many traditional first names the duke and duchess have to choose from, it is understood that the baby's surname will be Sussex.

Royals don't technically require a last name, although many use Mountbaetten-Windsor, which is the official surname for all descendants of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.

However, many royal babies are given a surname after their parents' titles. For Instance, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's eldest son, Prince George, goes by the name George Cambridge.



