세계 7대 불가사의의 재구성...전성기에는 어떻게 보였을까 VIDEO: Seven wonders of the Ancient World brought back to life in stunning 3D reconstructions which reveal how
Seven wonders of the Ancient World brought back to life in stunning 3D reconstructions which reveal how the architectural masterpieces would have looked in their heyday
Images of how they would have looked created by company Budget Direct
Only one of the original seven survives today - the Great Pyramid of Giza
They were lost over time as a consequence of war, crumbling civilisations and natural disasters
세계 7대 불가사의의 재구성...전성기에는 어떻게 보였을까
원래 7개 중 1개만이 오늘날 유지하고 있으며 나머지는 전쟁, 붕괴된 문명, 자연 재해의 결과로 시간이 지남에 따라 사라져가고 있다..
그들은 당시의 관광 명소였으며 기자의 피라미드, 로도스 동상, 올림피아 제우스 동상을 포함하고 있다.
The seven ancient wonders of the world have been re-imagined and brought back to life in in digital reconstructions that reveal how they would have looked in their prime.
Only one of the original seven survives today with the others lost over time as a consequence of war, crumbling civilisations and natural disasters.
They were the go-to tourist attractions of the day and includes the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Statue of Rhodes and Olympia's statue of Zeus.
Colossus of Rhodes 로도스의 거상
그리스 로도스섬에 존재했던 높이 33m의 청동상으로 고대 세계 7대 불가사의 중 하나
It was a staggering feat of engineering and building and the statue towered 100 feet (32 metres) above the harbour in Rhodes. Situated in the Mandraki Harbour a glimpse of the statue dedicated to the Greek sun god Helios greeted visitors flocking by land and by sea
Great Pyramid of Giza 이집트 기자의 대 피라미드
The one surviving relic from the ancient world resides in Egypt, and is still one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world
Hanging Gardens of Babylon 바빌론의 공중 정원
BC 500년경 신바빌로니아의 네부카드네자르 2세가 왕비 아미티스를 위하여 건설한 정원
The fabled gardens may, or may not, have existed - and historians have bickered over the presence of them for millennia
Statue of Zeus at Olympia 아테네 올림피아 제우스상
Olympia built the statue to the ruler of the gods in a big to outshine the city's rivals - those in Athens
Lighthouse of Alexandria 알렉산드리아의 등대
이집트 북부 알렉산드리아주
Sostratus of Cnidus designed the burning fire to sit atop a cylindrical tower, atop an octagonal middle, atop a square base
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 마우솔로스의 영묘
터키 남서쪽 해안 도시 보드룸에 위치
The building was so impressive that the late king's name became the generic word for large funeral monuments. The structure was a mixture of Greek, Near Eastern, and Egyptian design principles set in Anatolian and Pentelic marble
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 에페소스의 아르테미스 신전
소아시아의 그리스인 식민지 에페소스에 있던 여신 아르테미스를 모신 신전.
현재 터키 에페수스 지방
The first to demolish it was Herostratus, who burned it down just to get famous. Next came the Goths, who wrecked the city while passing through on the run from the Romans. Finally, a Christian mob tore it apart in 401AD
Images of the modern-day locations were compared to that of how it would have looked by insurance company Budget Direct.
Artemis is the Greek goddess of chastity, hunting, wild animals, forests, and fertility and the building was built and destroyed three times.
The first to demolish it was Herostratus, who burned it down just to get famous.
Next came the Goths, who wrecked the city while passing through on the run from the Romans.
Finally, a Christian mob tore it apart in 401AD, leaving just the foundations and a single column – which can still be seen today.