삼성엔지니어링, 말레이시아 메탄올 플랜트 기본설계(FEED) 수주 Sarawak to have methanol plant by 2021
Sarawak to have methanol plant by 2021
Abang Johari (fifth left) and Morshidi (fourth left) with the signatories of the MoU and others after the signing of the MoU.
Borneo Post
삼성엔지니어링, 말레이시아 메탄올 플랜트 기본설계(FEED) 수주 연말 약 10억달러 규모 EPC(설계·조달·시공) 계약 전환 가능성 높아 삼성엔지니어링은 말레이시아 석유화학회사인 사라왁 펫쳄(Sarawak PetChem)과 360만달러 규모의 메탄올 플랜트 기본설계(FEED) 계약을 맺었다고 1일 밝혔다.
말레이시아 동부 사라왁 주 빈툴루 지역에 건설되는 이 플랜트는 하루에 메탄올 5000톤을 생산하는 설비다. 삼성엔지니어링은 이 프로젝트의 실행 가능성을 검토하기 위해 메탄올 라이센서인 에어리퀴드와 사전 전략적 파트너십을 구축해 프로젝트 초기부터 안건을 개발해왔다. 기본설계가 끝나는 연말에 약 10억달러 규모의 EPC(설계·조달·시공) 계약으로 전환될 가능성이 높다고 회사 측은 설명했다. 삼성엔지니어링 관계자는 "우수한 설계역량과 경험을 토대로 고부가가치 영역인 기본설계를 수주하게 됐다"며 "기본설계 수행을 통해 EPC 연계수주까지 이뤄 수주의 체질개선을 이루어 나갈 것"이라고 말했다. 이진희 기자 출처 : 서울파이낸스( |
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KUALA LUMPUR: Sarawak will undertake a methanol and methanol derivatives project with the first plant worth US$800 million (US$1=RM4.40) expected to be ready by 2021, Chief Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg said.
The project will play a significant role in Sarawak’s economic transformation and extend the oil and gas downstream value-chain to transform the state into a petrochemical hub in the region.
“We must go downstream, rather that just use it for energy. When we go downstream, a lot of byproducts will give great impact to our economy.
“The project is expected to create huge job opportunities to Sarawakians, our engineers will return, and there would be many spin-off effects such as on logistics and maintenance,” he told a press conference after witnessing the signing of a tripartite memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the project here yesterday.
The MoU for the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) was signed between a Sarawak government entity, Yayasan Hartanah Bumiputera Sarawak (YHBS), and a consortium between China Huanqiu Contracting and Engineering Co Ltd (HQC) and MACfeam Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Pegasus Diversified Bhd.
Abang Johari said the proposed complex, which would be 100 per cent owned by the Sarawak government, would be built at an 80.9-hectare site in Bintulu, near the Samalaju Industrial Park.
“The plant could produce up to 5,000 metric tonnes methanol per day.
“In three to four years’ time, the methanol price is expected to rebound. We hope by the time the plant is completed, it hits the right market,” he added.
The MoU is aimed at establishing official working relationship and ensuring the cooperation between YHBS and HQC-MACfeam consortium on the EPCC works and setting the milestones to ensure that the project progressed on a fast-track mode.
Meanwhile, MACfeam director Datuk Ismail Mohamed told Bernama that the entire project costing over US$2 billion, which comprised three plants, would be developed in two phases.
The plants are expected to be completed between seven and 20 years’ time, he said, adding that the project was included under the China’s Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road’ or the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative.
“We have already registered this project under the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative. The money will come from the Chinese government. The technology transfer to the locals will be managed by MACfeam” he added.
Signing for YHBS was its deputy chairman Tan Sri Datuk Amar Abdul Aziz Husain while HQC executive vice president Zhang Laiyong signed for HQC and MACfeam deputy chairman Datuk Amir Daniel Abdullah was the signatory for MACfeam Sdn Bhd .
Abang Johari and State secretary Tan Sri Datuk Amar Mohd Morshidi Abdul Ghani witnessed the MoU signing.