러시아, 가공할 '킬러 로봇' 군대 공개 VIDEO: Russia claims it has built an army of KILLER ROBOTS including self-driving tanks...

Russia claims it has built an army of KILLER ROBOTS including self-driving tanks that follow the aim of a soldier's rifle and swarms of deadly drones that drop bombs from the sky

Kremlin footage showcases robot technology which includes killer robots

These come in the form of cat-sized drones and AI-controlled driverless tanks

For now, the robots will still require to be controlled by a human in the infantry

But Russia's Advanced Research Foundation (ARF) said the ultimate goal is to have an army of robots entirely controlled by Artificial Intelligence algorithms

러시아, 가공할 '킬러 로봇' 군대 공개

   러시아가 이번에 공개한 영상에서 전쟁터에서 보병을 지원할 '킬러 로봇'의 군대가 공개됐다.

크렘린이 공개한 이 영상은 최신 드론 기술을 보여주는 것으로 보인다.

여기에는 병사의 총의 조준을 따라 자신의 무기로 목표물을 제거하는 인공지능 무인탱크가 포함된다.

러시아 고등연구재단(ARF)은 궁극적인 목표는 인공지능 알고리즘에 의해 완전히 통제되는 로봇군을 보유하는 것이라고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 14:44 GMT, 22 March 2019 | UPDATED: 19:01 GMT, 22 March 2019

An army of 'killer robots' that will assist infantry on the battlefield has been unveiled in propaganda footage released by Russia

The video, released by the Kremlin, appears to showcase the state's latest drone technology.

That includes and AI-controlled driverless tank that follow the aim of a soldier's rifle to obliterate targets with its own weaponry.


Russia's Advanced Research Foundation (ARF) said the ultimate goal is to have an army of robots entirely controlled by Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Russia has released frightening footage which showcases their latest robot technology which includes killer robots, autonomous drones and driverless tanks

The propaganda clip released by the Kremlin shows AI-controlled mini-tanks and swarms of autonomous cat-sized drones obliterate targets

The robots are controlled remotely and are designed to assist Russian infantry. But in the future the tech will be fully autonomous, which means it can target and kill enemies on its own

The video was uploaded to YouTube by the ARF and shows off the capabilities of the killer tech

'The evolution of combat robots is on the path of increasing the ability to perform tasks in autonomous mode with a gradual reduction in the role of the operator,' a spokesperson told C41SRNET 

Currently the drones are deployed alongside infantry who remotely control the vehicles, but in the future the tech will be fully autonomous.

That means the military hardware will be able to  target and kill enemies without any human intervention.

'The evolution of combat robots is on the path of increasing the ability to perform tasks in autonomous mode with a gradual reduction in the role of the operator,' a spokesperson for the ARF told  C41SRNET.

The video was uploaded to YouTube by the ARF and shows off the capabilities of the killer tech.  

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