서울시 국제금융경쟁력, 6위에서 36위로 급락 Global Financial Centres Index 25
Global Financial Centres Index 25
Date 11/03/2019
Today Z/Yen Partners and the China Development Institute (CDI) publish the twenty-fifth Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI 25). We are holding the launch Conference in Dubai as part of the Global Financial Forum in the Dubai International Financial Centre. The GFCI rates 102 financial centres. The top twenty financial centres and the main headlines are shown below. Full details are available here.
서울시 국제금융경쟁력, 6위에서 36위로 급락 2015년 6위서 지속 하락 아시아·태평양서도 13위 그쳐 18일 금융권에 따르면 영국계 컨설팅그룹 Z/YEN은 이런 내용 등을 담은 '국제금융센터지수(GFCI) 25호' 보고서를 최근 발표했다. 2019년 3월 기준 서울의 국제금융센터지수는 668점으로 세계 112개 도시 중 36위를 기록했다. 지난해 9월 33위에 이어 6개월 만에 3계단 추가 하락한 것이다. 서울의 국제금융센터지수는 2015년 9월에 6위로 고점을 기록한 이후 지속적인 하강 곡선을 그려왔다. GFCI는 세계 주요 도시의 국제금융 경쟁력을 측정하는 대표적인 지수 중 하나다. 비즈니스 환경과 인적 자원, 인프라, 금융산업 발전 등을 종합해 평가해 매년 3월과 9월 두 차례에 걸쳐 발표한다. 뉴욕(1위)이나 런던(2위), 홍콩(3위), 싱가포르(4위), 상하이(5위) 등은 국제금융 중심지로서 위상을 다시 한번 과시했다. 서울은 아시아·태평양 지역에서만 봐도 13위에 불과했다. edited by kcontents 일본 도쿄(6위)·오사카(31위), 중국 베이징(9위)·선전(14위)·광저우(24위)·칭다오(29위), 대만 타이베이(34위)에도 뒤졌다. 한국의 제2 금융중심지인 부산은 이번에 46위를 차지했다. 지난해 9월 44위에서 두 계단 하락한 것이다. 2015년에 24위를 기록한 점을 감안하면 최근 몇 년 사이에 급락한 셈이다. 금융권에선 금융중심지 추가 지정이나 금융공기업 지방 이전 등 각종 정치 논리가 개입되면서 금융산업의 국제 경쟁력이 악화되고 있다는 평가가 나온다. [연합뉴스]매일경제 |
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The main headlines include:
Leading Centres
New York remains in first place in the index, just seven points ahead of London. Hong Kong is only four points behind London in third place and Singapore remains in fourth place;
Shanghai remains ahead of Tokyo in fifth place in the index although Tokyo gained ten points in the ratings;
Toronto rose 27 points and gained four places to seventh. Zurich, Beijing, and Frankfurt remained in the top ten.
Western Europe
This region did well after a mixed performance in GFCI 24. Thirteen of the top 15 Western European centres rose in the ratings with particularly strong performances by Monaco, Madrid and Edinburgh. Only Luxembourg and Amsterdam saw modest declines;
The centres that are most likely to benefit from Brexit did well, with Zurich, Frankfurt, Paris, and Dublin all gaining ground. Amsterdam was the only centre in Western Europe that dropped more than ten points in the ratings.
South China Morning Post
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Most Asia/Pacific Centres performed well. Of the top twenty centres in the region, only Osaka saw a modest decline with the others rising or remaining as they were in GFCI 24;
There has been a strong trend of Asia/Pacific centres improving over several years. The top eight centres in the region are now in the top fifteen centres in the whole index;
Melbourne, Jakarta, and GIFT City (Gujarat) all showed strong increases in GFCI 25.
North America
North American centres also did well in GFCI 25 with most centres rising in the ratings. Of particular note is the performance of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, the three leading Canadian centres. All three showed strong increases in the ratings. Toronto rose four places to seventh overall and Montreal is now in 18th place;
Washington DC regained the ground that it lost in GFCI 24 with a rise of 34 points. This rise resulted in it climbing four places to 32nd overall.
Eastern Europe And Central Asia
There were significant gains for Astana, Istanbul and Prague. Astana only officially launched its financial centre in 2018, and it is unusual for such a new centre to perform so strongly;
Tallinn made a lot of ground in GFCI 24 but fell back this time despite a growing reputation as a strong FinTech centre.
Middle East And Africa
Dubai, Casablanca, and Abu Dhabi continued to rise in the index. Doha lost some of the ground it made in GFCI 24;
Kuwait City and Nairobi were new entrants to the index, with Kuwait ranking 57th in its first entry.
Latin America And The Caribbean
There were mixed results in the region with five centres rising in the ranks and three declining. The Cayman Islands, Panama, and Bermuda performed strongly.
Island Centres
The British Crown dependencies showed a mixed performance with Jersey making a small gain, the Isle of Man moving up but Guernsey dropping 15 places in the index to 75th place.