[속보] 뉴질랜드 크라이스트처치 두 이슬람 사원 대규모 총기 난사로 40명 이상 사망 [Breaking] VIDEO: '40 people killed in shootings at New Zealand mosques, prime minister says

40 people killed in shootings at New Zealand mosques, prime minister says


Everett Rosenfeld @EV_ROSENFELD

About 40 people were killed when at least one shooter opened fire at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand on Friday.

An image grab from TV New Zealand taken on March 15, 2019 shows New Zealand police officers cordoning the area near the mosque following a shooting in Christchurch. Laurent FIEVET / TV New Zealand / AFP/Globalnews.ca

[속보] 뉴질랜드 크라이스트처치 두 이슬람 사원 대규모 총기 난사로 40명 이상 사망

20명 이상 중상...사망자 늘어날 듯

   뉴질랜드 경찰당국은 금요일 크라이스트처치의 두 이슬람 사원에서 두 건의 총격 사건이 발생했다고 말했다.

"오늘은 뉴질랜드의 가장 어두운 날들 중 하나이다."라고 자킨다 아르데른 총리가 말했다. "분명히 여기서 일어난 일은 비범하고 전례 없는 폭력 행위다."

그녀는 기자회견에서 현재 당국은 약 40명의 사람들이 그 공격으로 목숨을 잃었다고 믿고 있다고 말했다. 20명 이상이 중상을 입었다고 그녀는 덧붙였다.


경찰은 현재 남성 3명과 여성 1명 등 4명이 구금돼 있다고 밝혔다. 스콧 모리슨 호주 총리는 억류 중인 용의자 중 한 명이 호주 시민으로 확인했다.

지역 주민들은 경찰의 작전이 계속됨에 따라 실내에 머물러 있으라고 촉구되어 왔다.

저격 용의자들은 최소 2개의 모스크와 이 지역의 주요 병원을 목표로 삼았다고 한다.

목격자들이 "많은" 사람들이 사망한 것을 목격했다고 진술했지만 경찰은 아직 사상자 수를 확인하지 못했다고 현지 언론이 보도했다.

경찰은 또한 이 지역에서 제거된 차량에 다수의 급조된 폭발물 장치가 부착되어 있는 것을 확인했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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New Zealand mosque: Active shooter reported after Christchurch ...BBC

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Authorities said there had been two shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand on Friday.

“This is one of New Zealand’s darkest days,” said the country’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern. “Clearly what has happened here is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence.”

She said during a news conference that authorities currently believe about 40 people had been killed in the attacks. More than 20 others were seriously injured, she added.


Fox 29

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New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush said that four people had been taken into custody, three men and one woman. As of 5:47 p.m. local time (12:47 a.m. ET), authorities said that a lock down of local schools had been lifted.

Bush said several explosives had been attached to vehicles. He added that there is no assumption the attack was contained to Christchurch.

“This is one of New Zealand’s darkest days,” said the country’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern. “Clearly what has happened here is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence.”

She said during a news conference that authorities currently believe about 40 people had been killed in the attacks. More than 20 others were seriously injured, she added.

Witnesses told media that a man dressed in a military-style, camouflage outfit, and carrying an automatic rifle had started randomly shooting people in the Al Noor mosque.


Daily News

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One Malaysian was injured in the attack, and three Indonesians survived the shooting while three more are unaccounted for, according to reports.

The commissioner said police had been dealing with two shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, one at Deans Avenue and one at Linwood Avenue. “Those locations remain locked down,” he said in a statement published at 6:06 p.m. local time.

“Police are still treating this incident as ongoing and Christchurch residents are strongly urged to stay indoors and keep safe, and monitor the Police website and social media for further information. We continue to utilize every possible resource to resolve the situation,” Bush said, adding that all mosques in the country had been asked to shut their doors.

Bush said he would not at this time “be discussing the offenders’ possible motivations or the causes of this incident.”

The Bangladesh cricket team was in the vicinity of the shooting but all members were safe, a team coach told media.

New Zealand police Commissioner Mike Bush speak to the media after an attack on a mosque in Christchurch at the Royal Society building in Wellington on March 15, 2019. MARTY MELVILLE/AFP/Getty Images/Globalnews.ca

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Radio New Zealand quoted a witness inside the mosque saying he heard shots fired and at least four people were lying on the ground and “there was blood everywhere.”

“Horrified to hear of Christchurch mosque shootings. There is never a justification for that sort of hatred,” said Amy Adams, a member of parliament from Christchurch.

The Bangladesh cricket team is in Christchurch to play New Zealand in a third cricket test starting on Saturday.

Mario Villavarayen, strength and conditioning coach of the Bangladesh cricket team was quoted by the New Zealand Herald as saying that the team was close to where the shooting occurred, but was safe.

“The players are shaken up but fine,” Villavarayen was quoted as saying.

—Reuters contributed to this report.



