러시아 개발 '타임머신'은 작은 입자들을 1초 단위로 과거로 이동시킨다 VIDEO: Move over Doctor Who: 'Time machine' created in Russia moves tiny particles a fraction of a second into the past

Move over Doctor Who: 'Time machine' created in Russia moves tiny particles a fraction of a second into the past

Russian physicists have effectively achieved the same principle of time travel 

They loosely described it as moving in the opposite direction of 'time's arrow' 

The researchers worked with electrons in the realm of quantum mechanics

Broken pool balls was able to re-order themselves into their original formation


러시아 개발 '타임머신'은 작은 입자들을 1초 단위로 과거로 이동시킨다

  과거로 1초도 안 되는 작은 입자들을 움직이는 '타임 머신'이 러시아에서 만들어졌다고 과학자들은 주장했다.

닥터 후의 타디스박사와 경쟁하는 것은 아니지만  '시간의 화살'의 반대 방향으로 작은 물체를 움직일 수 있다고 과학자들은 설명했다. 

BBC SF 드라마 '닥터 후'

이 실험에는 원자 하나를 구성하는 음전하를 띤 입자들이 포함되어 있는데, 이 입자들은 원자보다 작은 입자들의 연구인 양자역학의 영역에서 발견된다.

그들은 공들이 전자를 대체하는 수영장 게임의 휴식을 비유했다.

휴식 후 '공'은 물리학 법칙에 따라 위험한 방법으로 흩어진다. 

그러나 연구자들은 특수한 양자 컴퓨터를 사용하여 마치 시간을 되돌리는 것처럼 보이는 원래의 삼각형 '차단' 순서로 그들을 개혁하게 하는데 성공했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 10:04 GMT, 13 March 2019 | UPDATED: 15:16 GMT, 13 March 2019

A 'time machine' that moves tiny particles a fraction of a second into the past was built in Russia, scientists have claimed.

It may not rival Dr Who's Tardis but researchers have described it as being able to move the smaller-than-atom sized objects in the opposite direction of 'time's arrow'. 


A 'time machine' that moves tiny particles a fraction of a second into the past has built in Russia, scientists have claimed. The team gave the analogy of a break for a game of pool. The 'balls' scattered and should have appeared to split in a haphazard way. But researchers managed to make them reform in their original order in the snooker triangle (pictured)

The experiments involved electrons - negatively charged particles that make up an atom - found in the realm of quantum mechanics, the study of sub-atomic particles. 


It may not be the Tardis, a fictional time machine that appears in Doctor Who, pictured here, but physicists have loosely described as moving in the direction of 'time's arrow'. The team worked with electrons in the realm of quantum mechanics

They gave the analogy of a break for a game of pool, in which the balls are substitutes for the electrons.

After the break the 'balls' are scattered in what should be a haphazard way, according to the laws of physics. 

But researchers managed to make them reform in their original triangle 'break' order - appearing as if they were turning back time - using a special quantum computer.



