SK건설, 중국 국영건설공사와 408.4백만불 규모 UAE 에티하드철도 패키지A 공사 수주 VIDEO: Etihad Rail awards contract for $408m Package A to Sino-Korean JV
Etihad Rail awards contract for $408m Package A to Sino-Korean JV
Etihad Rail's Malak signed the contract with CSCEC ME's Tao and SK E&C’s Nam.
SK건설, 중국 국영건설공사와 408.4백만불 규모 UAE 에티하드철도 패키지A 공사 수주 시노-한국 합작회사 에티하드 레일 605km 2단계 패키지 A 139km 루와이스~구웨이파트 철도 구간 중국 국영건설공사(CSCEC ME)와 한국 SK건설의 합작법인(JV)이 408.4백만불 규모의 아부다비 에티하드철도 패키지A 프로젝트 계약을 따냈다. 위 사진 설명: 에티하드 레일 사의 샤디 말라크 사장(가운데) CSCEC ME의 사장 겸 CEO인 유 타오 유(좌측), SK E&C의 현태남 부사장과 계약 체결 모습. CSCEC ME와 SK E&C는 사우디와 아랍에미리트(UAE) 국경에 있는 루와이스와 구웨이파트를 잇는 에티하드 레일 605km 2단계 패키지 A 139km 철도 구간에 공동으로 참여한다. 패키지 A의 공사 범위는 설계 및 시공 토목 및 궤도공사로 . 표준게이지 복선 궤도로 구성되며 3만 톤에 이르는 궤도와 4만개의 콘크리트 침목 그리고 1.1백만톤의 밸러스트가 소요될 예정이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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by Neha Bhatia11 Mar 2019
A joint venture (JV) of China State Construction Engineering Corporation Middle East (CSCEC ME) and South Korea’s SK Engineering and Construction (SK E&C) has been awarded a contract for Package A of Etihad Rail in Abu Dhabi.
CSCEC ME and SK E&C will jointly work on the 139km Package A of Etihad Rail’s 605km Stage 2, which will connect Ruwais with Ghuweifat on the UAE border, with Saudi Arabia.
The scope of work includes design and build, and civil and track works, for Package A, which is valued at $408.4m (AED1.5bn).
Package A’s focus includes the design and construction of rail infrastructure, including earthworks, bridges, tunnels, animal crossings, track-laying, and links to Stage 1 of Etihad Rail.
The 139km route will comprise a standard-gauge double track built from 1.1 million tonnes of ballast, more than 400,000 concrete sleepers, and almost 30,000 tonnes of iron rail.
139km Package A of Etihad Rail’s 605km Stage 2(Yellow line)/DubaiFAQs
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Package A’s tender award was approved at a board meeting held led by HH Sheikh Theyab bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Member of Abu Dhabi Executive Council and Chairman of Etihad Rail.
Commenting on the contract, Sheikh Theyab said: “With the commencement of this first phase of Stage 2, we are reaching a major turning point in the transportation sector in the UAE and GCC.
“Pioneering and innovative, this initial link is just the beginning, as Etihad Rail expands its network to improve all aspects of freight transport across our border and around the region, placing the UAE at the centre of regional goods movement as a global logistics hub.”
Sheikh Theyab also commended Abu Dhabi Government, as well as the UAE’s local and federal government authorities, for their contribution to the 1,200km Etihad Rail.
In a statement, Etihad Rail added that its team was “diligently and efficiently” working to award the remaining contracts for Stage 2, which upon completion will run from Ghuweifat to Fujairah.