신들에게 희생 제물로 바쳐진 고대 페루 '아이들과 라마' 시신 발굴 VIDEO: The REAL darkest Peru: World's largest mass sacrifice site is discovered as 140 children...
The REAL darkest Peru: World's largest mass sacrifice site is discovered as 140 children and hundreds of LLAMAS had their hearts ripped out and were slaughtered in a 15th Century ritual
More than 140 boys and girls aged between five and 14 were slaughtered
Remains of hundreds of juvenile llamas and alpacas were also found at the site
Marks on the skeletons reveal the sternum was cut open on humans and animals
it is believed this was done in order to rip out their heart as part of the sacrifice
신들에게 희생 제물로 바쳐진 고대 페루 '아이들과 라마' 시신 발굴 페루에서 15세기부터 수백 명의 어린 아이들과 라마들이 도살된 유골들이 발견되었다. 현재 멸종된 종교의 신들에게 희생 제물로 바쳐진 것으로 여겨지는 5세에서 14세 사이의 140명 이상의 소년과 소녀들이 유골이었다. 고고학자들이 말하는 무시무시한 제물 의식 동안 아이들과 라마들의 심장은 도려내어졌다. 후안차키토-라스 라마스 매장지는 유네스코 세계문화유산인 치무의 수도 찬찬에서 반 마일도 떨어지지 않은 675m2의 면적이다. 200명 이상의 청소년 라마와 인간의 유해를 분석한 결과 페루 북부의 치무 문명이 최고조에 달했던 1450년경까지 거슬러 올라간다. 이 고대 제국은 잉카제국에 이양 전인 지금의 페루-에콰도르 국경에서 계곡 안쪽과 태평양 연안에 이르는 960km 영토를 지배했다. 이것은 2011년에서 2016년까지 6년에 걸친 발굴 작업 결과이다 연구 저자 존 베라노(Verano)는, 인류학의 툴레인 대학 교수:'이 참혹한 현장은 고대 세계에서 아이 희생의 관습에 새로운 장을 연다 말했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 19:00 GMT, 6 March 2019 | UPDATED: 22:27 GMT, 6 March 2019
The slaughter of hundreds of young children and llamas has been discovered in Peru from the 15th century.
More than 140 boys and girls aged between five and 14 were slaughtered in what is thought to be a mass sacrifice to the gods of a now extinct religion.
Many of the children and juvenile animals had their hearts cut out during the grisly ritual which archaeologists say was performed to appease the gods.
It is thought a huge El Nino caused major flooding and storms which triggered the bloody sacrifice.
Analysis of the remains of more than 200 juvenile llamas and humans dates it to approximately 1450, during the peak of the Chimu civilisation in northern coastal Peru.
More than 140 boys and girls aged between five and 14 were slaughtered in what is thought to be a mass sacrifice to the gods of a now extinct religion. Many of the children and juvenile animals had their hearts cut out during the grisly ritual
The Huanchaquito-Las Llamas burial site is a 7,500 square foot area located less than half a mile from the Chimu's capital Chan Chan, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Its ancient empire controlled a 600-mile-long territory along the Pacific coast and interior valleys from the modern Peru-Ecuador border before the Incan empire took over.
The study findings come after six years of excavation work at the site from 2011 to 2016.
Study author John Verano, professor of anthropology at Tulane University, said: 'This site opens a new chapter on the practice of child sacrifice in the ancient world.
Anatomical and genetic tests, published in the journal PLOS One, say cuts across the children and llamas' sterna suggested they had their chests cut open to remove their hearts
The study findings come after six years of excavation work at the site from 2011 to 2016
'This archaeological discovery was a surprise to all of us - we had not seen anything like this before, and there was no suggestion from ethnohistoric sources or historic accounts of child or camelid sacrifices being made on such a scale in northern coastal Peru.
The Huanchaquito-Las Llamas burial site is a 7,500 square foot area located less than half a mile from the Chimu's capital Chan Chan, a UNESCO World Heritage site
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