집에서 채소 재배하는 오가든 VIDEO; Innovative Self-Watering Indoor Garden Grows 90 Fruits and Veggies at a Time

Innovative Self-Watering Indoor Garden Grows 90 Fruits and Veggies at a Time

By Jessica Stewart on March 4, 2019

Growing vegetables at home just got easier thanks to OGarden. This self-watering indoor garden allows you to grow up to 90 vegetables, fruits, and herbs simultaneously. Fully automatic, you simply plugin, plant, and watch your garden grow. OGarden was launched in 2016 with a successful Kickstarter campaign and is back with the new and improved OGarden Smart, which is available for pre-order through Kickstarter.

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집에서 채소 재배하는 오가든

   집에서 채소를 재배하는 것은 오가든(OGarden) 덕분에 쉬워졌다. 

이 자생식 실내정원은 야채와 과일, 약초 등을 동시에 90개까지 재배할 수 있다. 완전히 자동으로, 당신은 간단히 플러그를 꽂고, 식물을 심고, 당신의 정원이 자라는 것을 본다. 오가든은 성공적인 킥스타터 캠페인으로 2016년 출범했으며, 킥스타터를 통해 사전예약 가능한 새롭고 개선된 오가든 스마트로 돌아왔다.

킥스타트 설립자인 피에르 니바트와 피에르 이티엔 본 보겟은 건강한 삶을 유지하기 위한 노력에서 사람들에게 더 많은 권한을 주면서 지구에 긍정적인 영향을 주기 위해 오가든을 만들었다. 업그레이드된 OGarden Smart는 이전 모델의 성공을 기반으로 만들어졌지만 일주일에 한 번만 탱크에 물을 보충하면 된다는 자체 수분 보충 기능을 포함하고 있다. 저소비 LED는 당신의 전기요금을 파괴하지 않고 빛을 시뮬레이션하고, OGarden Smart의 독특한 디자인은 당신이 너무 많은 공간을 차지하지 않고도 자랄 수 있는 식물의 수를 극대화한다.

회전하는 상부 통에 식물을 심을 수 있는 60개의 슬롯과 아래 30개의 식물을 저장할 수 있는 공간이 있으며, 오가든은 일년 내내 채소에 30개의 식물 로테이션이이 가능하다. 페퍼민트, 대파, 딸기, 방울토마토, 케일, 바질 등 다양한 식물을 제공하는 오가든에서 직접 씨앗을 구입할 수 있다. 아니면 목록에 없는 것을 재배하고 싶다면 주문해 직접 씨앗을 심을 수도 있다. 오가든은 심은 지 30~40일이 지나면 수확할 준비가 된다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Founders Pierre Nibart and Pierre-Etienne Bourget created OGarden to make a positive impact on the planet while giving people more autonomy in their efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The upgraded OGarden Smart builds upon the success of their previous model, but includes self-watering capabilities that mean you only have to add water to the tank once a week. Low consumption LEDs simulate light without wreaking havoc on your electric bill and OGarden Smart’s unique design maximizes the number of plants you can grow without taking up too much space.

There are 60 slots for plants in the rotating upper barrel and room to store 30 plants below, with OGarden suggesting a 30 plant rotation for year-round vegetables. You can purchase seeds directly from OGarden, which offers a wide variety of plants like peppermint, green onion, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, kale, and basil. Or, if you want to grow something that’s not on the list, you can simply order a bag of virgin earth and plant your own seeds. OGarden estimates that you’ll be ready to harvest 30 to 40 days after planting.

OGarden Smart - Self-Watering Indoor Garden

With organic vegetables costing a pretty penny, an investment in OGarden means savings long term. OGarden claims it can save you up to 80% on vegetables, making a nice dent in your grocery bill. For instance, they estimate that store-bought non-organic kale costs an average of $2.50, while the same amount grown organically with OGarden is just $0.45.

Another benefit is knowing exactly what’s in your food and keeping it free of pesticides. As OGarden’s soil is made with organic fertilizer, you can rest easy knowing that you and your family aren’t consuming any unwanted substances.

The OGarden Smart was fully funded on Kickstarter in just 6 minutes, and is still available for pre-order. For a pledge of $859 Canadian (about $645), you’ll get an OGarden Smart in the color of your choice, as well as 30 seed pods and several different seeds packs. This is a 41% discount off the regular retail price.

The OGarden Smart is a self-watering indoor garden that can grow 90 fruits, vegetables, and herbs at one time.

OGarden Smart - Self-Watering Indoor Garden

Seed cups are placed in the nursery cupboard, where they’ll spend 3 weeks sprouting.

OGarden Smart - Self-Watering Indoor Garden

Then they’re moved to the wheel, where they’ll get the proper amount of light to grow.

OGarden Smart - Self-Watering Indoor GardenOGarden Smart - Self-Watering Indoor GardenOGarden Smart - Self-Watering Indoor Garden

After 30 to 40 days, the plants can be harvested.

OGarden Smart - Self-Watering Indoor Garden

And your family can enjoy fresh, organic fruits and veggies at a fraction of the cost.

Growing Organic Vegetables IndoorsOGarden: Website | Kickstarter | Facebook | Instagram

All images via OGarden.


