KT, 아시아·중동서 ‘AI 호텔 사업’ 진출 VIDEO: How to use Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry
How to use Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry
As computer technology has advanced, artificial intelligence has become more reliable, enhancing its standing within the business world. Indeed, hospitality companies are increasingly using AI to carry out customer service tasks, which are especially important within hotels and resorts. In this article, you get a closer look in which way artificial intelligence is revolutionising the hospitality industry.
KT, 아시아·중동서 ‘AI 호텔 사업’ 진출 KT(대표 황창규)가 홍콩의 아시아·중동 IPTV 솔루션과 서비스 제공사인 ‘MVI’와 손잡고 현지 호텔에 AI 서비스를 도입하기 위한 업무협약을 체결했다고 17일 밝혔다. 지난 15일 KT 광화문빌딩 이스트에서 열린 협약식에는 KT 글로벌사업개발본부장 김영우 상무, MVI CEO 칼 신(Karl Sin)과 앙케 길(Anke Gill)등 양사 주요 관계자들이 참석했다. MVI는 IPTV에 호텔 전산시스템과 연동한 컨시어지 서비스를 제공하는 솔루션을 보유하고 있는 사업자로, 홍콩·싱가포르·수단 등 18개국에 있는 주요 글로벌 호텔에 IPTV 솔루션을 제공하고 있다.
지난 15일 KT 글로벌사업개발 본부장 김영우 상무(오른쪽)와 MVI CEO 앙케길(Anke Gill)이 협약을 체결하는 모습 (사진=KT) KT는 이번 업무협약을 통해 MVI의 리모콘 제어 기반 호텔 IPTV 플랫폼과 자사의 음성 AI 플랫폼인 ‘기가지니 호텔’ 플랫폼을 연동시키고, 향후 호텔 고객의 요구사항을 반영할 수 있도록 지속적인 R&D 협력을 추진할 방침이다.
KT 글로벌사업개발본부장 김영우 상무는 “MVI와 이번 업무 협약을 통해, KT는 국내 AI 호텔의 성공적 사업 노하우와 MVI의 글로벌 호텔 IPTV 제공 경험을 결합하여 지속 가능한 글로벌 시장 진출의 발판을 마련했다”며 “KT는 앞으로 AI 호텔 글로벌 사업 확장에 아낌없는 투자와 노력을 할 것이며, 향후 MVI와 국내 호텔 IPTV 사업 개발에도 협력할 예정”이라고 밝혔다. 선민규 기자 ZD NET KOREA |
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What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the performance of seemingly intelligent behaviours by computers or machines. Artificial intelligence, as a concept, has existed since the 1950s, but it is only in recent times that technology has advanced to the point where it can be considered reliable enough to deploy for important business tasks.
Essentially, AI refers to computers or machines carrying out tasks that were traditionally thought to require cognitive function to carry out. It is associated with concepts like automation and big data.
Today, the collection of customer data, combined with the improvements to computer technology, mean that artificial intelligence can be utilised for a huge range of functions, from basic customer service, to personalisation tasks, more advanced problem-solving, and even for sales processes and direct messaging.
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Why is Artificial Intelligence Becoming Important in the Hospitality Industry?
Artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in the hospitality industry, primarily because of its ability to carry out traditionally human functions at any time of the day. This potentially means that hotel owners can save significant money, eliminate human error and deliver superior service.
In particular, customer service is a vital part of the travel industry, with hotels often living and dying based on the way they treat their customers. With artificial intelligence, the possibilities for improving this aspect are almost endless, ranging from increased personalisation to tailored recommendations.
One of the key customer service challenges for hotels is responding to customer questions quickly and artificial intelligence now provides an additional option for tackling this problem. Moreover, it has the capacity to assist with tasks like data analysis and, through data collection, can effectively “learn” and adapt to customer interactions.
Examples of How to Use Artificial Intelligence Within the Hospitality Industry
Although the use of artificial intelligence within the hotel industry is still in its relative infancy, it already has numerous practical applications, some of which are outlined in more detail below:
AI and DS in the hotel industry/AltexSoft
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1. In-Person Customer Service
An example of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry is the use of AI to deliver in-person customer service. We are already seeing the development of robots with artificial intelligence and the potential for this technology to grow is enormous. Already, it is able to deal with basic customer-facing situations.
The best example of this so far has been an AI robot called ‘Connie’, adopted by Hilton. The robot is able to provide tourist information to customers who interact with it. Most impressively, it is able to learn from human speech and adapt to individuals. Ultimately, this means the more customers speak to it, the better it will get.
Example: Meet Connie, Hilton Hotels’ First Robot Concierge