싱가포르 법원, 동아지질 직원 2명 하도급사 뇌물수수 혐의 기소 Singapore: 2 Korean employees of Dongah Geological Engineering face charges for corruption

Singapore: 2 Korean employees of Dongah Geological Engineering face charges for corruption

By Bhaswati Guha Majumder

February 4, 2019 14:39 +08    


Two employees of Dongah Geological Engineering, Singapore branch, aged between 31 and 38 were charged in court for corruption on Monday.


Representational Image arrest/Reuters


싱가포르 법원,  동아지질 직원 2명 하도급사 뇌물수수 혐의 기소   

   동아지질의 기술자 2명이 하도급사에서 뇌물을 제공받아 싱가포르 법원으로부터 기소됐다.

싱가포르 정부는 지난 2월 4일 한국의 동아지질 싱가포르 지점에서 근무하는 2명의 한국 엔지니어가 법원에 부패혐의로 기소됐다고 밝혔다.

동아지질 소속 직원인 '이'모(38) 씨는 Sim Cher Kwang과 Fasten Hardware and Engineering Pte Ltd의 Andy Sia Cheeang (이하 "Fasten")으로부터 3천 달러(이하 싱가포르 달러)의 뇌물을 받았다.

또 다른 '이'모 씨(31)는 Fasten의 Sim Cher Kwang과 Taka Hardware and Engineering (S) Pte Ltd (이하 ​​"Taka")의 Lee Cheng Wee로부터 2회에 걸쳐 4천 달러의 뇌물을 받았다.

Sim Cher Kwang, Andy Sia Chee Shang 및 Lee Cheng Wee는 지난해 11월 7일 싱가포르 정부의 "부패방지법" 제241조 제6항 (a)의 범죄 혐의로 구속되어 있다.



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싱가포르 정부는 부패에 대해 엄격한 무관용 접근법을 채택한다면서, 다른 개인이나 단체로부터 뇌물을 받는 것은 심각한 범죄 행위로 유죄 판결을 받을 경우 최대 10만 달러의 벌금형이나 최대 5년의 징역 또는 두 가지 형을 동시에 선고 받을 수 있다고 밝혔다.

이 사건에 대해 한 기술자는 "우리나라 기술자가 한국에서나 해오던 '갑'질을 싱가포르에 가서도 한다"면서 "이런 사건은 우리 기술자들에게 경종이 됐으면 한다"라고 말했다.

기술인 신문 / 조재학 기자 ( jjhcivil@daum.net )

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As per the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), the 38-year-old alleged accused Lee Dongchul, who is a civil engineer, was charged with one count of taking bribes worth S$3,000 from two representatives of Fasten Hardware and Engineering.

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CPIB added that the bribe was "an inducement for furthering the business interests" between both the companies and it was offered by Sim Cher Kwang and Andy Sia Chee Shang of Fasten.

The other alleged accused, 31-year-old Lee Myungjae, planning manager, was charged in court with two counts of accepting a total S$4,000 in bribes. The CPIB said the money was offered by Fasten's Sim and Lee Cheng Wee of Taka Hardware and Engineering (S) as an inducement for furthering the business interests of Fasten and Taka with Dongah.

Yahoo News Singapore

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While Lee Dongchul will be back in court on March 27, the other accused Lee Myungjae intends to plead guilty on February 27. It should be noted that both the alleged accused are from South Korea.

Those three Fasten and Taka officials, who tried to bribe both the accused, were charged on November 7, 2018, with corruption and related offences.

As per the law, "a person convicted of an offence under the PCA shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both, for each count of corruption."

In a statement, CPIB added that the country adopts a strict zero-tolerance approach when it comes to corruption. In addition, they said, "Companies and their employees operating in Singapore are expected to conduct business dealings in a fair and transparent manner, instead of turning to corrupt practices."



