신기한 세계 최대 일본 게의 유체 이탈 모습 VIDEO: World's biggest crab sheds its shell by by crawling out of its own body and leaving behind a dead looking duplicate

World's biggest crab sheds its shell by by crawling out of its own body and leaving behind a dead looking duplicate

Video shows the crab walking out of its own body and leaving behind a duplicate

The Japanese spider crab is the biggest on earth with the longest leg to leg span 

The whole process has been caught on camera at San Diego Seaworld  

The new crab is shell-less and is looks bright orange compared to its duller shell 


신기한 세계 최대 일본 게의 유체 이탈 모습

   일본 게가 자신의 몸 밖으로 나가는 장면이 샌디에이고씨월드에서 카메라에 잡혔다.

이 영상은 이 게의 몸통, 즉 흉부를 통해 오래된 몸에서 밝은 색으로 바뀐 새 몸이 나오는 것을 보여준다.

새 몸은 처음에는 매우 찌그러진 형태로 밀어내는데, 다리와 발톱으로 몸을 쪼갠 다음 껍질 밖으로 기어 나오면서 팽창한다.

이 화면은 새 껍데기가 없는 몸이 오래된 껍데기의 복제품처럼 보이지만 색깔이 훨씬 더 밝은 것을 보여준다.

이 일본 게는 세계에서 가장 큰 종류이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 17:42 GMT, 8 February 2019 | UPDATED: 17:54 GMT, 8 February 2019

Striking footage showing the Japanese crab shedding its shell by stepping out of its own body has been caught on camera at San Diego Seaworld.

The video shows the crab's brightly coloured new body emerging out of its old body through its torso, or, thorax.


Striking footage showing the Japanese crab shedding its shell by stepping out of its own body has been caught on camera at San Diego Seaworld 

The new body pushes through initially in a highly squashed form, with the legs and claws squashed together the body and then expand out as it crawls out of the shell.

The footage shows the new shell-less body looking exactly like a duplicate of the old shell but much lighter in colour.



