미 안전관리청, 건설현장 추락 방지 7개의 영상 VIDEO: OSHA Releases 7 Videos To Help Prevent Falls in Construction

OSHA Releases 7 Videos To Help Prevent Falls in Construction

Falls have long been the leading cause of fatalities in the construction industry, accounting for nearly 40% on an annual basis. Unsurprisingly, OSHA also issues the most citations for falls, and 2 different fall protection standards were on their top 10 most frequently cited violations list of 2018. To help build awareness and in an effort to reduce the number of deaths caused by falls, OSHA has released 6 videos and several other resources for employers. 


미 안전관리청, 건설현장 추락 방지 7개의 영상

미국 직업 안전 건강 관리청

OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

추락사고는 오랫동안 건설현장에서의 주요 사망원인이었으며, 연간 기준으로 거의 40%를 차지했다. 당연하게도 OSHA는 추락에 대한 사례를 가장 많이 발표하고, 두 가지 다른 추락 보호 표준은 2018년 위반으로 가장 많이 인용된 상위 10위 안에 들었다. OSHA는 인지도를 높이고 추락으로 인한 사망자의 수를 줄이기 위한 노력의 일환으로 6개의 동영상과 여러 가지 다른 자료를 건설사를 위해 공개하였다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

In addition to the videos, posted below, OSHA has also announced that the 6th annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction will be held from May 6 to May 10th in 2019.  That event encourages employers across the country to take some time out of their days to discuss the seriousness of fall protection. 

A 24-page Fall Prevention Training Guide has also been released as part of their outreach program. It contains a roadmap for how and when to use fall prevention toolbox talks, as well as a variety of other useful information for training your employees.

Fact sheets for both ladders and scaffolding are available, as well.  In the ladders category, extension ladders, job-made wooden ladders, and stepladders all have their own individual fact sheets. In the scaffolding category, narrow frame scaffolds, ladder jack scaffolds, and tube and coupler scaffolds all have their own individual fact sheets. 

Now on to the videos.  I’m a huge fan of videos, because I think providing visuals is hugely important for knowledge retention and many of us in the construction industry are visual learners.

Floor Openings


Fixed Scaffolds

Bridge Decking

Leading Edge Work


5 Ways to Prevent Workplace Falls


