일본의 하수도 맨홀 커버 축제 VIDEO: Tokyo Has a Festival to Pay Tribute to the Art of Japanese Manhole Covers
Tokyo Has a Festival to Pay Tribute to the Art of Japanese Manhole Covers
By Jessica Stewart on January 31, 2019
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Kawaguchiko Lake. (Photo: Stock Photos from hayachanta/Shutterstock)
일본의 하수도 맨홀 커버 축제 일본의 맨홀 커버는 너무 아름답게 디자인해서 사실 예술작품일 정도다. 전국적으로 수천 개의 지방 자치 단체들이 그들만의 독특한 지역 문화를 보여주기 위해 독특한 맨홀 커버를 디자인했고, 이제 일본 맨홀 커버 페스티벌은 이러한 창의성을 기념하고 있다. 이 축제는 도쿄에서 3일간 열린다. 신주쿠 다카시마야 백화점은 2월 1일부터 2월 3일까지 전국의 실제 맨홀 커버 전시회 등 다양한 행사를 개최하고 있다.도큐핸즈신주쿠에서는 맨홀 커버 콜렉션을 판매하는 다양한 상품이 판매된다. 여기에는 연필, 스티커, 책,등 맨홀 커버 관련 상품들이 포함된다. 이 한정판 제품은 2019년 2월 24일까지 판매된다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Japan designs manhole covers so beautiful that they’re actually works of art. Across the country, thousands of municipalities have designed unique manhole covers to demonstrate their unique local cultures, and now the Japanese Manhole Cover Festival celebrates this creativity. The festival, which takes place in Tokyo, promises three days of activities dedicated to the artistic manhole covers.
From February 1 to February 3, 2019, the Shinjuku Takashimaya department store is hosting a range of events, including an exhibition of actual manhole covers from around the country. Next door, at Tokyu Hands Shinjuku, there will be a whole range of manhole cover collectibles for sale. This includes pencils, stickers, books, as well as small versions of selected manhole covers. These limited edition collectibles will remain on sale until February 24, 2019.
Visitors will also be able to snack on macaroons, cookies, and other sweets decorated with some of the country’s most popular manhole cover designs. If you can’t make it over to Tokyo for the event, you might want to pick up a copy of Drainspotting. This 2010 book by Remo Camerota celebrates this unique Japanese phenomenon.
Since the 1980s municipalities in Japan have designed their own unique manhole covers to celebrate their individuality.
Osaka. (Photo: Stock Photos from Aldelo Piomica/Shutterstock)
Nara. (Photo: Stock Photos from Tupungato/Shutterstock)
Matsumoto. (Photo: Stock Photos from MAHATHIR MOHD YASIN/Shutterstock)
Tokyo. (Photo: Stock Photos from Tupungato/Shutterstock)
A new festival in Tokyo pays tribute the art of Japanese manhole covers.
Atami. (Photo: Stock Photos from Morumotto/Shutterstock)
Okayama. (Photo: Stock Photos from f11photo/Shutterstock)
Kumamoto. (Photo: Stock Photos from MrNovel/Shutterstock)
Special sweets will be created for the occasion and there will be a display of some of the most popular manhole cover art.
h/t: [Spoon & Tamago]