전기 소형 건설장비 선보이는 커민스 볼보 현대기계 VIDEO: Volvo Construction Equipment goes electric on smaller machines

Volvo Construction Equipment goes electric on smaller machines

Created: Wednesday, 30 January 2019 

In an industry first move, Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) has announced that in 2020 it will start to launch a fully electric range of Volvo branded compact wheel loaders and compact excavators

Volvo loaderThe L20H from Volvo CE. (Image source: Volvo Construction Equipment)

Volvo CE L28 wheel loader./Construction Kenya


볼보, 전기 건설기계 첫선···친환경 열풍 부나

    볼보건설기계가 오는 4월 전기 굴삭기·휠로더를 최초로 선보인다. 경유차 개발을 지양하고 전기차 개발에 주력하는 등 건설기계 제조업계에도 ‘친환경’ 바람이 예고되고 있다.

볼보건설기계는 100% 전기 구동이 가능한 소형 굴삭기(EC15~EC27)와 소형 휠로더 (L20~L28)를 2020년에 출시할 예정이라고 31일 밝혔다.


볼보가 개발중인 전기 구동 건설기계 이미지 사진. (사진제공=볼보건설기계코리아)

볼보가 개발중인 전기 구동 건설기계는 미세먼지와 이산화탄소 등 유해가스를 배출하지 않는 친환경 모델이다.

볼보는 해당 모델을 오는 4월 세계 최대 건설기계 전시회인 독일 바우마(Bauma)에서 전세계 고객을 대상으로 공개하고, 시운전도 함께 진행할 계획이다. 이어 2020년 중반부터 전 세계 국가 대상으로 단계별, 시장별로 출시되며, 국내 도입시기는 미정이다.

양성모 볼보그룹코리아 대표이사는 “볼보건설기계는 e-모빌리티 분야의 혁신리더로서, 미래 첨단 기술과 다양한 건설기계에 대한 국내 시장의 요구에 부응해 ‘미래형 전기 소형 장비’ 도입을 적극 검토하고 있다”고 말했다.

유태원 기자  sraris23@kosca.or.kr 대한전문건설신문

edited by kcontents

In a commitment to future technology, Volvo CE has announced that by mid-2020 it will begin to launch a range of electric compact excavators (EC15 to EC27) and wheel loaders (L20 to L28), stopping new diesel engine based development for these models.

With this move, Volvo CE is the first construction equipment manufacturer to commit to an electric future for its compact machine range. This follows a favourable reaction from the market after the successful unveiling of a number of concept machines in recent years and by working closely with customers and the move is aligned with the Volvo Group’s strategic focus on electromobility in all business areas.

The first machines will be unveiled at BAUMA 2019, followed by a staged market-by-market introduction and ramp up in 2020. While the company stresses that diesel combustion currently remains the most appropriate power source for its larger machines, electric propulsion and battery technology is proving particularly suited to Volvo’s smaller equipment. With research and development investment now focused on the rapid development of its electric compact wheel loaders and excavators, Volvo CE is taking a step towards diesel free compact equipment in the future.

The L20H from Volvo CE. (Image source: Volvo Construction Equipment)

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“Volvo CE is delivering on its commitment to ‘Building Tomorrow’ by driving leadership in electromobility and delivering sustainable solutions that support customer success,” said the company’s president, Melker Jernberg.

“The technology we have been developing is now sufficiently robust and this, together with changes in customer behaviour and a heightened regulatory environment, means that now is the right time to commit to electromobility in our compact equipment ranges going forward.”

Demonstrating the breadth of the Volvo Group, Volvo CE will be joined by sister companies Volvo Penta, Volvo Trucks and Volvo Financial Services. The companies’ participation at the show is much more than a static display – it’s a live event. Under the theme of Building Tomorrow, Volvo’s 2,293 sq m indoor stand in Hall C6 and 5,870 sq m outdoor stand at FM714 will be a non-stop interactive performance featuring the complete product and service portfolio.


Cummins to showcase electric prototype mini excavator at Bauma show

Posted by Daniel Gleeson on 30th January 2019

Cummins will feature an electric prototype mini excavator at its Bauma stand on April 8-14, showing visitors it is “transforming our industries, and innovating the latest alternative power solutions”, Executive Director of Electrified Power, Julie Furber says.

Powered by Cummins BM4.4E flexible battery modules (4.4 kWh each), the 3.5-ton (3.2-t) Hyundai excavator prototype to go on show at the company’s stand (A4-325) is designed to support a full work shift and charge in under three hours, according to Cumms.


바우마 전시회에서 전기 시제품 소형 굴착기 선보이는 커민스

  커민스는 4월 8일부터 14일까지 바우마(Bauma) 스탠드에 전기 프로토타입 소형 굴착기를 런칭해 방문객들에게 "우리 산업을 변화시키고 최신 대체 전력 솔루션을 혁신하고 있다"고 말했다.

커민스에 따르면 커밍스 BM4.4E 플렉서블 배터리 모듈(각각 4.4kWh)로 구동되는 3.5t(3.2t) 현대 굴착기 시제품은 3시간 이내에 충전하고 풀가동할 수 있게 설계되었다.

커민스와 현대기계가 건설현장을 위해 배터리 전기 굴착기를 개발하는 유일한 회사는 아니다. 볼보는 최근 뮌헨에서 열리는 이번 행사에서 최초로 공개될 예정인 전자소형 굴착기(EC15에서 EC27)를 2020년 중반까지 다양하게 발사할 것이라고 발표했다. 캐터필러 딜러인 폰 장비도 최근 노르웨이 건설 현장에 26t 규모의 배터리 전기 굴착기를 납품했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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Cummins and Hyundai are not the only companies developing battery-electric excavators for the construction space. Volvo recently announced it would launch a range of electric compact excavators (EC15 to EC27) by mid-2020, with the first machines to be unveiled at the event in Munich. Caterpillar dealer, Pon Equipment, has also recently delivered a 26-t battery-electric excavator to a Norway-based construction site.

Furber said: “We look forward to continuing to partner with companies like Hyundai to design and test the construction industry’s latest technologies.”

The machine eliminates all gaseous emissions and substantially reduces noise, making it ideal for use in urban and sub-urban construction, according to the company.

The excavator contains eight BM4.4E modules connected in a series configuration to provide a total energy of 35 kWh. Mounted near the base of the excavator, the Cummins-designed and built battery modules use lithium-ion technology to achieve a higher energy density and proprietary control technology to maintain the battery state-of-charge for a longer zero emission range, Cummins said, adding that the modular design allows for scalability to other applications and duty cycles.



