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Facebook to integrate WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger

25 January 2019

The plan would let people communicate with anyone on the currently separate apps

Facebook plans to integrate its messaging services on Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

While all three will remain stand-alone apps, at a much deeper level they will be linked so messages can travel between the different services.

WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram are run as competitors


25억명이 이용하는 메신저 나오나

페이스북, Messenger+ WhatsApp+Instagram 통합 추진

   페이스북이 자사의 메신저(Messenger)와 왓츠앱(WhatsApp), 인스타그램(Instagram)을 통합한다는 소식입니다. 

25일(현지시간) 뉴욕타임스(NYT)에 따르면 페이스북이 자체 개발한 메신저와 2012년 인수한 인스타그램, 2014년 사들인 왓츠앱을 합칠 계획입니다. 마크 저커버그 페이스북 최고경영자(CEO)의 의지에 따른 조치라고 합니다.

통합 형태는 각각의 메신저 서비스를 일단 독립된 앱(응용 프로그램)으로 남겨두지만 사용자들이 이들 앱 사이에서 자유롭게 커뮤니케이션할 수 있도록 바꿀 전망입니다. 예를들어 메신저 사용자가 왓츠앱 사용자와 대화방을 공유할 수 있고 왓츠앱에서 인스타그램으로 쪽지를 보낼 수도 있게 됩니다. 페이스북 대변인은 CNBC에 “단말 간의 암호 키를 제공할 것”이라며 “네트워크를 통해 가족과 친구들에게 더 쉽게 다가갈 수 있는 방법이 될 것”이라고 말했습니다. 페이스북 메신저와 인스타그램, 왓츠앱의 총 사용자는 25억 명에 달하는 것으로 알려졌다. 세 개의 메신저 서비스가 연동되면 세계 최대 메신저 망(網)이 만들어지는 셈입니다.

하지만 이번 통합이 반(反) 독점 이슈를 불러올 가능성도 있습니다. 유럽연합(EU)은 이미 페이스북의 모바일 메신저 독점에 대해 경고를 하기도 했습니다. (끝)

(김주완 IT과학부 기자) kjwan@hankyung.com 한국경제

edited by kcontents

Facebook told the BBC it was at the start of a "long process".

The plan was first reported in the New York Times and is believed to be a personal project of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Once complete, the merger would mean that a Facebook user could communicate directly with someone who only has a WhatsApp account. This is currently impossible as the applications have no common core.

The work to merge the three elements has already begun, reported the NYT, and is expected to be completed by the end of 2019 or early next year.

What is Facebook's plan?

By Chris Fox, technology reporter

Facebook probably didn't want to talk about this in the middle of a privacy scandal, but its hand was forced by insiders talking to the New York Times.

Until now, WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger have been run as separate and competing products.

Integrating the messaging parts might simplify Facebook's work. It wouldn't need to develop competing versions of new features, such as Stories, which all three apps have added with inconsistent results.

Image copyrightREUTERS

Cross-platform messaging may also lead the way for businesses on one platform to message potential customers on another.

And it might make it easier for Facebook to share data across the three platforms, to help its targeted advertising efforts.

But bigger still: it makes Facebook's suite of apps a much tighter, interwoven collection of services. That could make the key parts of Facebook's empire more difficult to break up and spin off, if governments and regulators decide that is necessary.

Shared data

Mr Zuckerberg is reportedly pushing the integration plan to make its trinity of services more useful and increase the amount of time people spend on them.

By effectively joining all its users into one massive group Facebook could compete more effectively with Google's messaging services and Apple's iMessage, suggested Makena Kelly on tech news site The Verge.

"We want to build the best messaging experiences we can; and people want messaging to be fast, simple, reliable and private," said Facebook in a statement.

"We're working on making more of our messaging products end-to-end encrypted and considering ways to make it easier to reach friends and family across networks," it added.

The statement said there was a lot of "discussion and debate" about how the system would eventually work.

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Linking the three systems marks a significant change at Facebook as before now it has let Instagram and WhatsApp operate as largely independent companies.

The NYT claimed that Mr Zuckerberg's championing of the plan to connect the messaging system had caused "internal strife". It was part of the reason that the founders of both Instagram and WhatsApp left last year.

The decision comes as Facebook faces repeated investigations and criticisms over the way it has handled and safeguarded user data.

Comprehensively linking user data at a fundamental level may prompt regulators to take another look at its data handling practices.

The UK's Information Commissioner has already conducted investigations into how much data is shared between WhatsApp and Facebook



