여자가 뭐길래...왕위 버리고 러시아 모델과 결혼한 말레이시아 전 국왕 2개월만에 파경? VIDEO: Ex Malaysian King's Marriage to Russian Beauty Queen 'on Rocks' – Reports
Ex Malaysian King's Marriage to Russian Beauty Queen 'on Rocks' – Reports
The royal couple caused a real sensation for the first time in late November after what was purported to be their wedding photos went viral on social media. The reports were closely followed by Muhammad V’s announcement of abdication as Malaysia's Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the official title of the Asian country’s king.
Channel NewsAsia
여자가 뭐길래...왕위 버리고 러시아 모델과 결혼한 말레이시아 전 국왕 2개월만에 파경? 왕위를 버리고 사랑을 택해 ‘세기의 낭만주의자’로 주목받았던 말레이시아의 전 국왕이 결혼 2개월여 만에 파경을 맞았다는 현지 언론 보도가 나왔다. 러시아 일간지 이즈베스티야는 24일(현지 시각) 현지 연예전문지를 인용해 말레이시아 전 국왕인 술탄 무하맛 5세(50)가 비밀리에 결혼식을 올렸던 미스 모스크바 출신 러시아 모델인 옥사나 보예보디나(26)와 이혼을 결심한 것으로 알려졌다고 보도했다. 무하맛 5세는 공식 입장을 밝히지 않았으나 보예보디나는 대변인을 통해 "실제와 다른 부분이 있다"고 말한 것으로 알려졌다. 언론 보도에 따르면 두 사람은 최근 급격히 사이가 악화됐으며 자주 말싸움을 벌였다. 양측은 대리인을 통해 이혼 절차를 밟기 위한 서류를 준비 중이라는 보도도 나왔다. 클란탄 주(州)의 술탄인 무하맛 5세는 2004년 태국 파타니주의 무슬림 왕족 후손과 결혼을 했지만 4년 만에 이혼을 했다. 이후 2017년 중순쯤 보예보디나를 만나 교제한 뒤 지난해 11월 22일 모스크바 근교에서 결혼식을 올렸다. 그는 이달 초 국왕 직무에 복귀했지만, 곧바로 전격 퇴위했다. 사진 설명: 말레이시아 전 국왕인 술탄 무하맛 5세가 지난해 11월 22일 모스크바 근교에서 러시아 모델인 옥사나 보예보디나와 결혼식을 올렸다. /이즈베스티야 말레이반도 9개 주의 최고통치자(술탄)가 5년씩 돌아가며 국왕직인 ‘양 디-페르투안 아공’을 맡지만, 임기를 채우지 못한 채 퇴위한 것은 이번이 첫 사례다. 자세한 이유는 밝혀지지 않았으나, 서구 언론 등에서는 비밀리에 결혼식을 올린 것이 문제가 됐을 것이라는 관측이 나왔다. 전효진 기자 조선일보 출처 : http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/01/25/2019012502388.html |
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The new marriage between the outgoing Malaysian king, 49-year-old Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan, and former Miss Moscow, 25-year-old Oksana Voevodina, is on the rocks, according to a number of Russian media reports.
“The fairytale about the Russian Cinderella who married a king is likely to be over… preparing the necessary documents is already underway. The marriage lasted just a couple of months", one Russian Telegram channel, Tolko Nikomu, reported.
In a parallel report, celebrity magazine Starhit citing unnamed “insiders” claimed the relationship between the ex-king, who unexpectedly abdicated earlier this month, three years before the end of his term, and the Russian beauty queen had “deteriorated".
There has been no official comment on the state of the pair’s relationship, neither on the reports about their marriage in November, nor about a pending divorce. Meanwhile, the newly-minted wife’s father, Russian orthopaedic surgeon Andrey Gorbatenko, reduced the latter reports to merely rumours saying “it’s nonsense" and adding that he “would have been the first to know". Oksana’s friend also busted the reports saying the model is “doing well", claiming the said reports were based on “fake facts".
The couple’s big day hit the headlines in late November, when photos of a lavish alcohol-free ceremony in the upscale Moscow suburb of Barvikha started circulating around the internet. The rumours gained momentum after the king was reported to have been on vacation “for treatment” since early November, which was believed by many to be a prolonged honeymoon.
Prior to that, the Russian woman, who partook in a variety of modelling projects in China and Thailand after grabbing the Miss Moscow crown in 2015, converted to Islam in spring 2018, with photos of her in a Muslim headscarf eagerly reposted online.
malaysia king former miss moscow/Channel NewsAsia
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Fresh reports have claimed that the couple is now expecting their first child after they were supposedly seen entering a German reproduction clinic.
Muhammad V became the first ever bachelor sultan to have been crowned, in line with a unique Malay rotation system, which stipulates that nine ethnic Malay state rulers take turns serving as Malaysia's king for five-year terms each. He had earlier been married to a Thai princess, whom he divorced after the woman failed to give birth to an heir. The council of rulers reportedly denounced the king’s second marriage, with local media citing royal insiders that this is the real reason for the king’s unexpected resignation, as the rulers’ council refused to give a royal title to Voevodina, despite her embracing Islam.
Since Muhammad V’s abdication in early January, less than two months after his reported wedding, a new, next-in-line sultan has been appointed as King, Sultan Abdullah, as it was confirmed by the keeper of the ruler's seal Syed Danial Syed Ahmad. Oxford-educated Sultan Abdullah, a key figure in several international sports bodies including FIFA, was elected last Thursday and will be crowned on January 31.