아마존, 직원 보호용 안티 로봇 조끼 개발 VIDEO: Amazon reveals 'anti-robot vest' to protect workers from giant machines smashing into them

Amazon reveals 'anti-robot vest' to protect workers from giant machines smashing into them

Employees are being fitted with 'robotic tech vests' that notify the machines of their whereabouts 

so that any potential accidents are avoided, according to TechCrunch

Robotic tech vests are worn like a pair of suspenders that are attached to a belt

They're packed with sensors that notify nearby roving robots of their location

Amazon tested them in over 25 fulfillment centers and has seen 'huge success' 


아마존, 직원 보호용 안티 로봇 조끼 개발

  아마존은 노동자들을 거대한 기계들로부터 보호하기 위한 '안티로봇 조끼'를 공개했다.

아마존은 상품을 짧은 거리를 가로질러 운반하는 것에서부터 재고 선반에 이르기까지 창고에서 몇 가지 하찮은 일을 하는 데 있어서도 로봇에 점점 더 의존하고 있다. 

이제, 이 거대 인터넷 회사는 모든 로봇에 의해 직원들이 다치는 것을 막기 위한 시스템을 고안했다. 

지난 1년 동안 25개 이상의 아마존 센터의 근로자들은 이 조끼를 사용할 수 있었다.

이 조끼들은 Amazon Robotics에 의해 디자인되었고 벨트에 부착된 한 쌍의 멜빵처럼 착용되었다. 

테크크런치 박사는 이 장치에는 인근 로봇과 통신하는 센서가 가득 차 있어 직원이 부딪히지 않도록 직원의 위치를 알려주고 있다고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 23:12 GMT, 21 January 2019 | UPDATED: 23:39 GMT, 21 January 2019

Amazon is increasingly relying on robots for some menial tasks in its warehouses, from transporting goods across short distances to stocking shelves. 

Now, the internet giant has devised a system to protect employees from getting run over by any roving robots. 

Over the course of the past year, workers in more than 25 fulfillment centers have been able to use the vests. 

The vests were designed by Amazon Robotics and are worn like a pair of suspenders that are attached to a belt. 



Amazon's fulfillment centers include fenced off areas where robots ferry items from shelves and deliver them to employees nearby. Human employees don't typically enter the area

The vests enable the robots to detect humans from farther away and update its 'travel plan' so that it doesn't collide with workers as they make their way around Amazon's warehouses

The device is packed with sensors that communicate with nearby robots, alerting them to an employee's location so that they don't crash into them, TechCrunch noted. 



