우버, 2023년까지 날으는 전기택시 우버에어(Uberair) 운행 계획 발표 VIDEO: Ready for take off... your next Uber: Electric planes flying at 200mph will pick you up from a car park by 2023
Ready for take off... your next Uber: Electric planes flying at 200mph will pick you up from a car park by 2023
Passengers using the UberAir smartphone app will be collected from pick-up points on the top of a tall office building, a multi-storey car park or a shopping centre
UberAir is hoping to debut in the U.S. in four years and later fly in British skies
Passengers will be picked up from the top of office buildings or shopping centres
Planes can cover 60 miles on a single charge and then recharged in five minutes
우버, 2023년까지 비행 택시 우버에어(Uberair) 운행 계획 발표 우버 택시보다 겨우 30% 정도 밖에 안 비싸 우버는 4년 안에 비행 택시인 우버에어(Uberair) 서비스를 시행할 수 있을 것이라고 말하고 있다. 스마트폰 앱을 사용하는 승객은 고층 사무실 건물, 다층 주차장 또는 쇼핑 센터 상단의 픽업 지점으로부터 탑승하게 될 것이다. 그리고 그들은 시속 240km~320km으로 비행함으로써 교통체증으로 정체되어 있는 도로 상황을 극복할 수 있을 것이라고 회사는 말한다. 비행기는 단 한 번 충전하면 96km를 갈 수 있고, 배터리는 5분 안에 재충전된다. 이 회사는 그것의 우버에어 서비스를 우버 택시 가격보다 겨우 30% 더 비싼 가격에 제공하기를 바란다 예를 들어, 일반적인 우버 택시로 40km 여행을 완료하는 데는 6만4천원 정도가 들 수 있지만, 우버 에어(UberAir)를 이용하는 데는 9만8천원 정도가 들 수 있다. 우버에어 대변인은 2023년 미국 로스앤젤레스와 댈러스에서 우버에어가 데뷔할 것이며 그 후 몇 년 안에 전세계적인 확장을 계획할 것이라고 말했다. 이 택시가 향후 10년 내에 영국 상공에서도 비행할 수 있기를 바라고 있지만, 영국의 첫 출시는 다른 곳에서의 성공적인 출발에 달려있을 것이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 01:37 GMT, 19 January 2019 | UPDATED: 01:37 GMT, 19 January 2019
Uber has said that it could be running a flying taxi service in four years.
Passengers using the smartphone app will be collected from pick-up points on the top of a tall office building, a multi-storey car park or a shopping centre.
And they will be able to beat gridlocked roads by flying in one of Uber's electric planes at speeds of between 150 and 200mph, the company said.
The planes could cover up to 60 miles on a single charge, with batteries boosted again within five minutes.
The company hopes to offer its flying taxi service (pictured) at a price only a third higher than the cost of a normal taxi
The service is not intended for the elite. The company hopes to offer its flying taxi service at a price only a third higher than the cost of a normal taxi.
For example, it could cost £46 to complete a 25-mile journey in an ordinary Uber taxi, but £70 using UberAir.
A spokesman said UberAir will make its debut in the American cities of Los Angeles and Dallas in 2023, with global expansion planned in the years after that. It is hoping the taxis may fly in British skies in the next decade, but the UK debut will depend on successful launches in other locations first.
And it will probably be more difficult for Uber to launch them in British cities than abroad because of the UK's strict airspace regulations.
The electric planes, which will fly between 1,000 and 2,000ft above ground, have become 'a core need' in cities where traffic-congested routes are at breaking point, according to Uber.
Pilots will fly up to four passengers through 'virtual lanes' after collecting them from the pick-up points. Once the project is completed, users could order and board one of the 'flying cars' in as little as five minutes.