세계에서 가장 똑똑한 나라는? Ranked: The 25 Smartest Countries In The World

Ranked: The 25 Smartest Countries In The World

Duncan Madden Contributor

I write topical, environmental and experiential travel stories.


Collectively, we humans are a pretty clever bunch. During our short time on this planet we’ve split the atom, traveled to space, built the limited slip differential and invented an umbrella for dogs. Yep, all clever stuff.

But (most of) these inventions, discoveries and great leaps forward are collective efforts rather than the inspired genius and toil of one lonely, dedicated man or woman. Which begs the question (sort of), of which is the cleverest nation in the world?

Tokyo is Japan's capital and a hotbed of intellect, innovation and education. It's also one of the world's greatest cities to visit as a tourist.GETTY


세계에서 가장 똑똑한 나라는?

바우처 클라우드가 조사한 세계 25개 스마트 국가

순위 산정에는 노벨상수, IQ, 교육 성취도 등이 고려됐다

일본이 1위

노벨상 6위 IQ 7위 학업 성취도 5위 기록 

다음 순위는 스위스 중국 미국 순이다

한국은 10위

노벨상 6위 IQ 4위 학업 성취도 2위에 올라와있지만 노벨상 수상이 전무해 종합점수에서 밀렸다.

한편 싱가포르는 IQ 1위 학업 성취도 1위를 기록했지만 노벨상 미수상으로 25위를 기록했다.

노벨상 수상 상위 25개국은 당연히 서양권 나라들이다. 하지만 아시아 지식인들의 쉼 없는 행진이 점점 더 많은 상을 거머쥐고 있기 때문에, 그것이 앞으로 몇 년 동안 그대로 유지될 것으로 기대해서는 안된다

서구 국가로는 처음으로 핀란드가 7위 자리를 차지했다.미국은평균 IQ가 100으로 상위 25위도 되지 않지만 종합순위 12위로 기록한 것은 아마도 놀라운 현상일 것이다.

그러나 미국은 노벨상에서 단연 압도적 1위.

IQ 순위를 감안하면 그리 놀라운 일은 아니지만, 아시아권은 학학업 성취도에서 상위 10위 권에 모두 포진해있다. 러시아는 6위, 미국은 13위다. 

하지만 중요한 것은 그 나라의 문화적 수준과 선진화된 의식 구조이다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Which people have contributed the most to our advancement as a species? Which does best at school, and which has the highest IQ. All important contributing factors when deciding where to visit next, no doubt. Luckily though, Vouchercloud has done the legwork for you and diligently researched and ranked the top 25 countries in the world by intelligence.

It quantifies intelligence to include the number of Nobel Prizes each nation has won to represent historic intelligence, the current average IQ and ‘education attainment’ to represent the potential intelligence of the next generation.

Japan goes straight to the top of the class.VOUCHERCLOUD

Nobel prizes

The top 25 countries by Nobel Prize are, unsurprisingly, dominated by the Western world – what with it being a Western institution and all. Don’t expect that to stay the same over the coming years though, as the inexorable march of Asia’s intelligentsia rightly garners more and more awards.


Current national IQ

You’ll have to scroll down to seventh to step out of Asia on this list, with Finland the first Western country to make its mark. Go Asia! While the US doesn’t even make the top 25 for national IQ, it’s perhaps surprising to see Mongolia storming into 12th spot with an average IQ bang on 100.


School achievement

No huge surprise given the IQ rankings, but Asia takes the top five spots for pupils achieving an advanced score at school. Russia takes the best of the rest medal in sixth spot while the US comes in at 13th. The UK is nowhere to be seen but if there’s one surprise on the list, it’s most likely Kazakhstan in ninth.


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