5천억 불 규모 사우디 네옴 기가 프로젝트 1분기 내 건설 착수 Construction on Saudi Arabia's $500bn Neom to start in Q1 201

Construction on Saudi Arabia's $500bn Neom to start in Q1 2019

The Neom Founding Board, chaired by HRH Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, has approved the master plan for Neom Bay

by Jack Ball16 Jan 2019

Saudi Arabian officials have confirmed that construction will strart on Neom Bay in the first quarter in 2019/YouTube


5천억 불 규모 사우디 네옴 기가 프로젝트 1분기 내 건설 착수

   모하메드 빈 살만 의장이 이끄는 Neom Foundation Board는 Neom Bay  Project의 마스터 플랜을 승인했다.

사우디의 5천억 불 짜리 네옴 기가프로젝트(Neom Gigaproject) 건설은 2019년 1월 16일에 시작될 것이라고 관계자가 2019년 1월 16일에 발표했다.

사우디 아라비아의 왕세자 모하메드 빈 살만 빈 압둘라지즈가 주재하는 네옴 설립 위원회는 사우디 언론들이 보도한 바와 같이 네옴 내 최초의 도시 지역인 네오베이 마스터 플랜을 승인했다.

네움베이의 1단계 작업은 2020년에 완료된다. 리야드와 네옴 사이의 정기 항공편을 운항하는 상용 공항으로 업그레이드될 샤르마 공항을 포함하여 많은 주요 시설들이 올해 말까지 완성될 것으로 예상된다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Construction on Saudi’s $500bn (SAR1.9tn) Neom gigaproject will start in Q1 2019, officials announced on 16 January, 2019.

The Neom Founding Board, chaired by Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, approved the strategic concept of the master plan for Neom Bay, the first urban area to be developed within Neom, as reported by Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

The board gave “gave instructions to complete preparations and start construction work in the first quarter of 2019”, the state-news agency added.

Work on Phase 1 of Neom Bay will be completed in 2020. It is expected that a number of key facilities will be completed by the end of this year, including the current airport at Sharma, which will be upgraded to become a commercial airport operating regular flights between Riyadh and Neom.

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince HRH Mohammed Bin Salman chairs Neom Founding Board.

Speaking on the news, Nadhmi Al-Nasr, chief executive officer of Neom, said 2019 will be “milestone” in the megaproject's journey.

He added: “The strategy of developing Neom Bay will rely on four key pillars that will be ingrained in the entire project development, with sustainability at the heart of aspect of the project.

The Middle East Observer

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“The first is to provide a living experience and an ideal quality of life for families; the second is to create a high-end lifestyle and a luxurious tourist destination; the third and fourth pillars are to support both innovation and creative centers in order to achieve Neom’s economic goals.”

Earlier this week saw another first at Neom when a Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) flight, carrying 130 of its staff, landed at Neom airport in Sharma, located in the Tabuk region.

Backed by Public Investment Fund, which is led by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince HRH Mohammed Bin Salman, Neom maps the kingdom’s long-term aspirations through 16 economic sectors.



