영국, 발전소에서 우드펠릿 연료 사용 시 보조금 삭제 방침 VIDEO: Subsidies of up to £1billion given to firms for burning wood in power stations could be axed - as critics argue it creates same CO2 as coal

Subsidies of up to £1billion given to firms for burning wood in power stations could be axed - as critics argue it creates same CO2 as coal

Firms that burn wood pellets currently receive about £1billion a year because, unlike coal, these are 

considered renewable sources of energy.

Firms are offered money because it is considered 'renewable energy source' 

But critics say burning wood produces similar levels of CO2 as burning coal 

Environment Secretary has revealed controversial payments could be scrapped 


영국, 발전소에서 우드펠릿 연료 사용 시 보조금 삭제 방침

영국의 발전소에서 논란이 되고 있는 우드펠릿을 연료로 사용하는 회사의 경우 10억 파운드까지 보조금이 삭제될 수 있다고 환경부 장관이 언급했다.

이유는 이 연료가 석탄과 같은 CO2를 발생시키기 때문이다.

영국의 공기 정화 캠페인의 일환으로 발전소에서 목재(우드펠릿)를 태우는 것에 대한 논란 많은 보조금들이 폐지될 수 있다.

나무를 태우는 것은 석탄과 비슷한 양의 이산화탄소를 발생시켜 대기 오염의 원인이 된다고 환경론자들은 말한다.

그것은 또한 미국의 삼림 벌채를 증가시키며, 그것들을 영국으로 대량으로 운송하는 것은 환경에 더 부정적인 영향을 미치게 된다.

환경부 장관인 마이클 고브는 어제 정부의 깨끗한 공기조성 환경 전략을 발표하면서 목재를 태우는 것에 대한 보조금을 폐지할 수 있다고 발표했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 02:05 GMT, 15 January 2019 | UPDATED: 02:05 GMT, 15 January 2019

Controversial subsidies for burning wood in power stations could be scrapped in the drive to clean up Britain’s air.

But critics say burning wood produces similar amounts of carbon dioxide to coal, contributing to air pollution.

It also increases the logging of forests in the US, while shipping them to Britain in vast quantities has a further negative effect on the environment.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove yesterday revealed subsidies for burning wood could be scrapped as he unveiled the Government’s clean air strategy.

The U-turn comes after years of state support for ‘biomass’ such as wood pellets, in schemes pioneered by disgraced former Liberal Democrat energy secretary Chris Huhne. 

He was hired by US firm Zilkha Biomass, which makes wood pellets, after serving a prison sentence in 2013 for perverting the course of justice.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove (pictured) yesterday revealed subsidies for burning wood could be 

scrapped as he unveiled the Government’s clean air strategy

The clean air strategy includes proposals to scrap some subsidies paid under so-called ‘contracts for difference’. 

The contracts, which last until 2027, offer payments of about £100 per megawatt hour for burning imported wood – more than double the wholesale energy price.

Britain’s biggest power station, Drax, near Selby, North Yorkshire, burns about 7million tons a year of compressed wood pellets imported from the US and Canada. 

Drax supplies around 7 per cent of the UK’s electricity, with four of its six units converted to burn the pellets. 

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