[2019 CES]일시불·할부·포인트 버튼 달린 신용카드 나온다 VIDEO: IndusInd Bank and Dynamics Launch the Nexxt Credit Card – India’s First Battery-Powered Interactive Card

IndusInd Bank and Dynamics Launch the Nexxt Credit Card – India’s First Battery-Powered Interactive Card

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan 9, 2019--Dynamics Inc. and IndusInd Bank announce that IndusInd Bank has launched the Nexxt Credit Card – India’s first interactive credit card with buttons.

IndusInd Bank Nexxt Credit Card /bankingfrontiers.com


[2019 CES]일시불·할부·포인트 버튼 달린 신용카드 나온다

   인도의 한 은행이 카드에 내장된 버튼을 눌러 일시불, 할부, 포인트의 지불방식 중 하나를 선택해 결제하는 신용카드를 공개했다. 

위 이미지 설명:

인도의 한 은행이 9일(현지시각) 내장된 버튼을 통해 지불방식을 결정할 수 있는 신용카드를 개발했다고 CES2019에서 밝혔다. 소비자의 결제방식이 판매자에게 공개되는 것을 막아 개인정보보호에 도움이 될 것이란 평이 있다. - Mastercard India 제공

인도 인더스인드뱅크는  9일(현지시간) 미국 라스베이거스에서 열리고 있는 세계 최대 IT쇼인 CES2019에서 내장된 버튼을 눌러 결제방식을 정할 수 있는 신용카드를 공개했다.

일반 신용카드는 소비자가 판매자에게 카드를 건네면 신용카드리더기에서 지불방식을 선택해 결제하는 시스템이다. 배터리와 전자회로가 들어가 있는 이 카드에는 일시불, 할부, 포인트 이 세 가지 버튼이 있다. 소비지가 판매자에게 카드를 건네기 전 버튼을 눌러 원하는 결제방식을 선택하는 방식이다. 

이 신용카드에는 일반 신용카드에 들어있는 테이프 모양의 마그네틱(자성) 띠와 카드결제의 국제표준이 적용된 EMV(IC)칩이 들어있다.  EMV칩은 세계 3대 신용카드 회사인 벨기에의 유로페이, 미국의 마스터카드와 비자카드가 공동으로 설정한 IC카드의 표준 규격으로 카드에 박혀 있는 네모난 노란색 칩이다. 컴퓨터 중앙처리장치(CPU)를 비롯해 메모리가 함께 내장된 이 칩은 방대한 양의 정보와 고난도의 암호처리가 가능하다. 각각의 버튼을 누를 때마다 자성 띠와 EMV 칩이 지불방식에 맞게 정보가 바뀐다. 

인더스인드 뱅크가 내 놓을 신용카드의 실제 앞, 뒷면 모습. -인더스인드뱅크 제공

이 신개념 신용카드는 기존의 신용카드 리더기와도 호환가능해 판매자들은 특별한 장치를 구매할 필요가 없다. 일반 신용카드와 크기와 두께도 같다. 버튼을 누른 후 신용카드를 건넬 시 판매자는 구매자가 어떤 결제방식을 택했는지 알 수 없고 카드승인 여부만 확인할 수 있다. 결제방식을 판매자에게 공개하지 않고 기밀로 유지할 수 있는 것이 특징이다. 

수만트 캐트팔리아 인더스인드뱅크 사장은 “인도는 지불방식에 대한 진화가 세계에서 가장 빠른시장”이라며 “우리의 목표는 혁신적인 제품과 서비스을 통해 고객 경험을 항상 향상시키는 것"이라고 밝혔다.

고재원 기자 jawon1212@donga.com 동아사이언스

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The card has electronic circuitry, a battery, and three buttons. You can interact with the buttons on the card to pay with credit, pay with points, or pay with installments. Each time a button is pressed, the card re-writes its magnetic stripe, EMV chip, and contactless chip so the selected payment type can be used in any type of payment terminal.

Any payment option can be used at any merchant point-of-sale. Merchants do not need any special point-of-sale equipment. When paying, merchants will not know the option you selected. Merchants will only see a credit transaction authorized by the bank. Accordingly, your payment options will be kept private and confidential from the merchant. You do not need to worry about the merchant knowing your payment details.

The Installment Option

You have four installment options when making a purchase. By pressing the installment button multiple times, you can select from a 6 month installment, 12 month installment, 18 month installment, or a 24 month installment.

Each installment option is written on the card next to a different light. Pressing the installment button once turns on the light for the 6 month installment option. Pressing the button twice turns on the light for the 12 month installment option (and so on).

The Rewards Option

You can pay for any purchase using your accrued rewards by pressing the rewards button on the card. To see your reward balance at any time, simply review your account on the internet or your mobile application.

The Credit Option

You can pay for any purchase with credit by pressing the credit button. This works just like your traditional credit card and is accepted anywhere Mastercard is accepted.

“We are pleased to announce the launch of the IndusInd Bank Nexxt Credit Card. With this card, our aim is to give the customer multiple options on how to make a payment using his or her Credit Card. The Power of Choice moves completely to the customer,” stated Sumant Kathpalia, Head, Consumer Banking at IndusInd Bank, “For us, customer experience is the key touchstone, and our objective is to always elevate and enhance customer experience with our innovative products and service propositions.”

“India is one of the fastest and largest evolving payment markets in the world. And, the leadership at IndusInd Bank is leveraging innovation to better serve customers while deepening their business models and strategy,“ stated Jeff Mullen, Dynamics Inc. CEO. “With the ability to pay with rewards and pay with credit, consumers can enjoy best-in-class loyalty functionality at any merchant in the world. With the ability to pay with installments, consumers can make smarter financial management choices at the point of sale. The IndusInd Bank Nexxt card is India’s first card that really lets a consumer pay the way they want to pay.”

“At IndusInd Bank, responsive innovation has been our mantra to design financial products that enhance customer empowerment and boost convenience for them,” stated Anil Ramachandran, EVP & Head, Marketing and Retail Unsecured Assets at IndusInd Bank. “We are delighted to launch the IndusInd Bank Nexxt Credit Card, which redefines the payment experience for customers by giving them the freedom to choose their mode of payment at the Point of Sale. They now have convenience at the push of a button. It does not get simpler than this.”

To apply for the card, please visit https://www.indusind.com/home.Nexxt.html

About Dynamics Inc.

Dynamics has three business units – an intelligent card, value-added processing, and phone payment technology business unit. The Company’s intelligent card division has introduced market defining card products such as the world’s first multiple account card (Canada), the world’s first password protected card (Asia), and the world’s first multiple co-brand card (USA). The Company’s value-added processing division provides real-time loyalty or purchase notification to millions of consumers and includes customers such as Tim Hortons and the Upper Deck Company. The Company also produces pay-by-phone technology that is used in cell phones. LG Electronics leverages Dynamics technology in LG Pay. Dynamics has raised over $110 million dollars in funding from investors including Mastercard, CIBC, and Adams Capital Management. Dynamics operates multiple manufacturing facilities, physical card personalization, and remote data trusted service manager (TSM) facilities, with its Global Headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pa., APAC headquarters in Singapore, LATAM headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and EMEA headquarters in New York. More information on the company, its technology and applications can be found at  www.dynamicsinc.com.

Banking Update

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About IndusInd Bank

IndusInd Bank, which commenced operations in 1994, caters to the needs of both consumer and corporate customers. Its technology platform supports multi-channel delivery capabilities. As on September 30, 2018, IndusInd Bank has 1,466 branches, including 203 specialized branches, and 2,372 ATMs spread across geographical locations of the country. The Bank also has representative offices in London, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Doha. The Bank believes in driving its business through technology. It enjoys clearing bank status for both major stock exchanges - BSE and NSE - and major commodity exchanges in the country, including MCX, NCDEX, and NMCE. IndusInd Bank on April 1, 2013 was included in the NIFTY 50 benchmark index. Recently, IndusInd Bank was awarded Best Commercial Bank of the Year (India) and Best Innovation in Retail Banking (India) by International Banker 2018 Awards. For more information, visit  https://www.indusind.com/



