서울시, 연희동 교통섬 등 유휴공간에 주택 + SOC 확충한다 VIDEO; Here are four innovative urban projects underway in Paris

Here are four innovative urban projects underway in Paris

By Nicolas Bosetti

Anne Hildalgo worked for 13 years as Deputy Mayor before becoming Mayor of Paris in 2014. One might be forgiven for thinking that her ideas would have been blunted by the time she arrived in office. Instead, she is showing that the French capital can be a thriving centre for civic and social innovation.

Les Grands Voisins. Image: Centre for London.


서울시, 연희동 교통섬 등 유휴공간에 주택 + SOC 확충한다

파리 건축 프로젝트 ‘리인벤터 파리’ 재해석

‘리인벤터 서울'

  서울시가 도로나 철도 상하부 등 도심에 있지만 이용도가 낮은 유휴공간에 주택을 공급하겠다고 밝힌 가운데, 이곳에 생활 사회기반시설(SOC)도 함께 확충하기로 했다.

서울시는 프랑스 파리의 건축 프로젝트 ‘리인벤터 파리’를 재해석한 ‘리인벤터 서울(가칭·서울형 저이용 도시공간 혁신사업)’ 프로젝트를 새로 시작한다고 27일 밝혔다. 


'리인벤터 서울' 도심 유휴공간에 주택 만든다.서울 서대문구 연희동 교통섬에서 진행되는 입체 개발 건축물의 완공 후 

예상 모습. /서울시 제공/Dreamwiz

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리인벤터 파리는 파리시(市)가 소규모 공지, 도로 상부 등 이용도가 떨어지는 시 소유 유휴공간 20여곳 상부에 복합단지 등 혁신적인 건축물을 조성하는 사업이다. 

이를 본딴 리인벤터 서울은 입지 좋은 도심 속 저이용 유휴공간 상부에 건물을 지어, 부지의 원래 기능은 유지하면서 청년‧일자리 지원시설, 주민체육센터, 도서관 같은 생활 SOC와 주거시설 등 지역별 필요시설을 확충하는 방식으로 진행된다. 

서울시 관계자는 "지난해 박원순 서울시장이 유럽순방 당시 ‘리인벤터 파리’ 총책임자를 만난 이후 이 프로젝트를 서울 도심에 적용할 수 있는 방안을 꾸준히 검토해 왔다"고 말했다.

서울시는 우선 경의선숲길 끝에 있는 서대문구 연희동 교통섬 유휴부지와 은평구 증산동 빗물펌프장 유휴부지를 시범사업지로 정하고 사업을 추진한다. 각각 지난 26일 300가구씩의 주택이 공급되는 부지로 발표된 곳이다. ‘새로운 생활방식’, ‘청년’, ‘친환경 건축물’ 등을 핵심으로 자치구 협의, 지역 의견 수렴 등을 거쳐 내년 초부터 본격적인 설계에 들어간다는 계획이다.


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시는 연내 추가적인 대상지를 확보해 혁신적인 건축물 조성방안에 대한 기본구상을 마무리하고 내년부터 단계적으로 사업을 추진한다는 계획이다.

김태형 서울시 도시공간개선단장은 "도심 유휴공간 활용사업은 가용토지가 부족한 도심과 평면적 도시개발의 문제점을 해결하고 지역 간 단절을 극복하기 위한 필연적 과제이며, 미래도시 서울로 나아가는 첫 걸음"이라고 말했다.

김수현 기자 조선비즈 

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There is an urgency to promote civic innovation in Paris. Income, wealth and opportunity divides run deep in the region. France’s richest and poorest communes are only a few kilometres apart, and in the latter, youth unemployment is close to 40 per cent.

The city has also been shaken by fears of homegrown terrorism, and by the refugee crisis: in the year to March 2018, 60,000 refugees arrived at the Paris 18e Registration Centre. Despite this increasing need, the city’s charitable sector is eroding. The number of new associations created in the city has been declining for several years in a row.

Innovation policies designed to tackle these social problems are often hit-and-miss – but Paris offers up some interesting examples. Under Hildalgo’s leadership, the city has encouraged liveliness and nurtured enterprise in the city’s overlooked spaces. New spaces for innovation have been enabled and funded, as at Station F. Existing projects have been supported, as at Les Grands Voisins; and there has been effort to stimulate new ideas (Réinventer Paris, Budget Participatif).

Les Grands Voisins – a Moveable Feast

A public developer has opened up a disused hospital as temporary homeless accommodation, with 600 beds. Rather than gating the site to prevent interactions with neighbours, the associations managing it have turned the hospital into a lively neighbourhood with offices, shops and bars with a social purpose: providing employment for people returning to work or for refugees who haven’t yet secured the right to work. A programme of events draws in neighbours as well as visitors from all over Paris.

The public subsidy is no more than the cost of renting out temporary accommodation in the private sector, and the office space let out to 250 companies covers the project’s running costs. According to organisers, Les Grands Voisins experiment has become one of the most diverse spaces in inner Paris, and is boosting the morale of the city’s charitable sector.

Le Budget Participatif

Between 2014 and 2020, Parisians can decide how €500 million euros – 5 per cent of the city’s investment budget – should be spent. Citizens put forward propositions, which are vetted by City Hall according to their feasibility, and then voted upon.

As projects only come out of the investment budget, most are improvements to public spaces, for instance through greening and street redesign. Paris has spent much energy encouraging participation, and the large funding pot is gradually raising interest: the number of voters has risen to 200,000 in 2018, a third of them high school students.

Réinventer Paris

The City of Paris has pioneered a competition to revive disused sites and unloved public spaces. For its second edition in 2017, the City auctioned leases on 34 sites owned by public bodies in the capital – from power and metro stations to a 17th century mansion – in exchange for architectural, economic, cultural and social value. In a city that is short of space, Paris hopes to unleash creative energy by giving access to vacant sites rather than keeping hold of them.

Station F

Paris opened the world’s largest startup hub in 2017: 3,000 workplaces, support services for entrepreneurs, and several restaurants and bars. The City of Paris facilitated the project by making compulsory purchase of the site to sell to a developer who financed it with support from a public financial institution.

Nicolas Bosetti is research manager at the Centre for London.

This piece also appears in the second issue of the London ideas magazine, a journal on urban innovation.




