강도 박살낸 女...과잉방어로 체포영장? VIDEO: Female UFC fighter Polyana Viana rubbishes fake ‘arrest warrant’ story after beating up man who tried to mug her in Brazil

Female UFC fighter Polyana Viana rubbishes fake ‘arrest warrant’ story after beating up man who tried to mug her in Brazil

Fake report claimed non-existent prosecutor ‘Juan Carlos Rosario’ ordered Viana’s arrest for ‘excessive self-defence’

The Brazilian, also known as ‘The Iron Lady’ hailed as inspiration to women on social media after manhandling assailant

PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 09 January, 2019,

강도 박살낸 女...과잉방어로 체포영장?

27살의 UFC 파이터  폴리아나 비아나

   강도를 한방에 제압한 여성 UFC 파이터 폴리아나 비아나(27)에게 과잉방어 혐의로 체포영장이 발부됐다는 뉴스는 사실이 아니라고 사우스차이나모닝포스트(SCMP)가 9일 보도했다.

앞서 브라질 일부 온라인 언론은 브라질 검찰이 비아나에게 과잉방어 혐의로 체포영장을 발부했다는 소식을 전했다. 일부 언론은 체포영장을 발부한 검사가 후안 카를로스 로사리오라고 적시하기도 했다.

그러나 SCMP가 확인한 결과, 체포영장을 발부했다는 후안 카를로스 로사리오 검사라는 이름은 브라질 검찰 명부에 없다고 전했다.

비아나는 자신의 인스타그램을 통해 “오늘 연습을 마친 뒤 많은 사람들이 나쁜(?) 소식을 나에게 전했다. 그러나 사실이 아니다”고 밝혔다. 그는 “나는 정당방위를 했을 뿐”이라고 덧붙였다.

그의 인스타그램 팔로어는 42만4000명에 이른다.

비아나는 브라질 유명 격투기 선수로, 뛰어난 경기력과 빼어난 외모를 겸비한 스타플레이어다.  

앞서 비아나는 지난 5일 밤 브라질 리우데자네이루 자신의 아파트 앞에서 택시를 기다리다 강도를 만났다. 강도는 택시를 기다리던 비아나의 머리에 총을 겨누며 핸드폰을 빼앗으려 했지만 가짜 총임을 간파한 비아나는 곧바로 그를 제압했다.

비아나는 두 대의 펀치와 한 번의 킥을 날린 뒤 ‘백 초크(등 뒤에서 팔로 목을 감아 조르는 기술)’로 강도를 완벽히 제압했다.

비아나 인스타그램 갈무리

비아나는 "그 총이 설령 진짜였어도 그와 붙어 있었기 때문에 그를 제압하는 데는 큰 문제가 없었을 것"이라고 말했다.

비아나에 제압당한 강도는 더 맞을지도 모른다는 불안감에 “경찰을 불러 달라”며 오히려 비아나에게 사정을 한 것으로 알려졌다.

비아나는 UFC 데뷔 이후 12전 10승을 기록하고 있으며, 하드펀처로 유명하다. 특히 그는 10승 중 5승을 1라운드에 끝낼 정도로 강력한 펀치를 소유하고 있다.

(서울=뉴스1) 박형기 기자 sinopark@

edited by kcontents

UFC fighter Polyana Viana has rubbished a fake news report that she received an arrest warrant for leaving a would-be mugger bloodied and beaten in Rio de Janeiro.

The 27-year-old strawweight – known in the Octagon as “The Iron Lady” – was waiting for an Uber on Saturday outside her flat in Rio’s West Zone when she was approached by a man claiming to have a gun, and the results weren’t pretty.

But debunked online reports in Brazil claimed a prosecutor named “Juan Carlos Rosario” – whose name does not show up on the website of the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro, nor the members list of the Federal Public Ministry’s website – had ordered her arrest for the crime of serious bodily injury and excessive self-defence.

“I just finished training, my sparring for today. Many people ask me about the ‘bad’ news that was published on a website,” Viana said to her 424,000 followers on her Instagram on Tuesday night.

“It says I received an arrest warrant. I didn’t receive anything. The case is, I reacted to the assault … I acted and defended myself within the law.

“I haven’t received anything, a warrant. I’m very focused, and later I hope to give you good news about my next fight. OK?”

The fake report circulated on social networks and WhatsApp groups in Brazil, with other websites and blogs spreading the story that Viana would be arrested for “exaggerating the blows against the assailant”, according to Brazilian fact-checking blog E-Farsas, which exposes fake news.

Rio mugger attempts to rob UFC fighter Polyana Viana, also known as ‘The Iron Lady’. Bloody bad idea

Brazil has struggled with disinformation in recent years, with fake news flooding social media platforms during the 2018 presidential election.

“I just want to clarify, this affair sucks a bit,” Viana said on Instagram. “It’s difficult to address this here, normally I always make jokes here, but the reality is no, it’s a very serious affair.

“Therefore, I came here to clarify. Thank you everyone for your love.”

Viana told website MMA Junkie she had floored the mugger with two punches and a kick, thinking he would not have time to draw the gun because he was so close to her.

She then held him in a rear-naked choke before making him sit and wait for police, when she discovered the weapon was actually a cardboard replica of a pistol.

Polyana Viana hopes to announce her next UFC fight soon. Photo: Instagram

Viana is a single mother to an eight-year-old boy, and had only recently moved to Rio from Sao Geraldo do Araguaia to focus on her MMA training.

Fans on social media hailed her as an inspiration to women after her heroics.

“I don’t know what your fighting career will be but I’m following because you’re a hero for girls,” wrote one user on Instagram. “I hope this incident makes you a millionaire and you spread the message of learning self-defence.

Mugger attacks limping 68-year-old. He was five-time world kick-box champ

Another user replied: “I cannot find words to describe what a bad a** you are! He deserved what he got!”

“Just read that you kicked some a**. This is so important to me. I am constantly hoping that as a female I can be strong and prepared for things like this,” another user said.

Polyana Viana faces off against JJ Aldrich before their UFC 227 fight in August 2018. Photo: Instagram

One user said: “I love that you kicked the s*** out of that robber. I’m so tired of women constantly being targets. I’m much older than you but very inspired. You go girl.”

“I saw the picture of the jerk that tried to rob you. I showed all three of my daughters. Best thing I’ve seen in a while!” read another comment.

돌이킬 수 없는 


Another said: “It made me so happy to read you beat up that ‘robber’. I wish I could read more stories of women beating the c**p out of their attackers!”

Viana’s efforts also got her a shout out from UFC president Dana White.

“On the left is @polyanaviana, one of our @UFC fighters and on the right is the guy who tried to rob her,” White wrote on Instagram, adding: “#Badf***ingidea”.

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