사우디, 48시간만에 프리캐스트 건물 완성 Saudi Arabia builds precast house in 48 hours
Saudi Arabia builds precast house in 48 hours
The property follows Saudi's first 3D printed property, unveiled in November 2018
by Oscar Rousseau26 Dec 2018
A precast house in Riyadh has been built in two days as Saudi Arabia’s government steps up efforts to accelerate innovation and increase homeownership.
Saudi Arabia has built a house in two days using modular concrete.Saudi Press Agency
사우디, 48시간만에 프리캐스트 건물 완성 이 건물은 11월에 선보인 사우디 최초의 3D 프린팅 건물에 이어 공개되었다. 사우디 정부가 건축 혁신을 가속화하고 주택 공급량을 늘리려는 노력을 강화하면서 이틀 만에 리야드에 프리캐스트된 주택이 지어졌다. 단층 건물을 건설하기 위해 한 지역 회사에 의해 모듈러 콘크리트가 사용되었다. 2018년 12월 23일 착공해 단 이틀 만에 완공했다. 이 사업은 현대 건설기술과의 접목을 가속화하고 민간 건축을 강화하기 위한 정부의 건축기술 이니셔티브의 일환이다. 2020년에는 60%, 2030년까지 70%까지 주택을 늘리려는 사우디에게 건설 분야의 혁신 기술은 매우 중요하다. 이는 사우디의 비전 2030 전략 중 하나로, 미국에 본사를 둔 오토데스크에서 제조하고 있는 나지 아탈라 AEC 사장은 올 3월 건설위크에 3D 프린팅, 증강현실, 가상현실을 채택하지 못하면 위의 목표를 달성할 수 없다고 말한 바 있다. 사우디, 첫 3D 프린팅 하우스 선보여 VIDEO: Saudi Arabia's first 3D printed house revealed https://conpaper.tistory.com/72556 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Modular concrete was used by a local company to build the one-storey property in the kingdom’s capital city.
Construction of the villa started on 23 December, 2018, and the entire building was completed in just two days.
The project is part of the government’s Building Technology Motivation Initiative, which aims to accelerate the adoption of modern construction techniques and technologies and strengthen the private sector.
The house's walls are soundproof, anti-fire, and earthquake-resistant. (Twitter/@Ali_Meerai)/http://english.alarabiya.net
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In conjunction to this, Saudi officials want to improve “localisation” and “speed up” construction processes, Saudi Arabia’s state-run news agency said.
Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Housing, Majed bin Abdullah Al-Hogail, and Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Eng Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Abdul Karim, inspected the precast property on 25 December.
Increasing innovation in the construction sector is important to Saudi Arabia's plan to increase homeownership to 60% in 2020 and 70% by 2030.
This is part of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 strategy, which Naji Atallah, head of AEC and manufacturing at US-based Autodesk, told Construction Week this March “cannot be achieved” if the country fails to adopt 3D printing, augmented reality, and virtual reality.
The country is already ramping up the adoption of disruptive technology. Saudi’s National Housing and Industrial Development and Logistics Program announced this November that it had completed work on a 3D-printed building.
Located on Ministry of Housing land in Riyadh, the project was reported to be yet another demonstration of the kingdom’s concerted efforts to stay abreast of the latest technologies in the construction space.
State news outlet SPA reported the 3D-printed house would be open for architects, engineers, and construction specialists