쌍용건설, 8,500억원 규모 싱가포르 남북고속도로 공사 2개공구 수주 VIDEO: LTA awards six more contracts worth $3.14 billion for construction of North-South Corridor
LTA awards six more contracts worth $3.14 billion for construction of North-South Corridor
PUBLISHEDDEC 21, 2018, 8:31 PM SGT
SINGAPORE - The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has awarded another six contracts for the construction of the North-South Corridor, a 21.5km expressway which will connect towns in the north to the city centre.
An artist's impression of how the proposed North-South Corridor will serve the public, targeted to be complete by 2026.PHOTO: /Land Transport Authority
쌍용건설, 8,500억원 규모 싱가포르 남북고속도로 공사 2개공구 수주 N102ㆍ111공구 GS건설 N101 구간 이어 LTA, 21.5km 6개 시공사 추가 선정 지난 5월 삼성물산, N107 구간 수주 쌍용건설이 8500억원 규모 싱가포르 지하고속도로 공사를 수주했다. 쌍용건설은 싱가포르 육상교통청이 발주한 남북고속도로 102ㆍ111공구를 7억5000만달러(약 8500억원)에 수주했다고 26일 밝혔다. 약 4500억원 규모의 111공구는 단독으로, 약 4000억원 규모인 102공구는 주관사로 85% 지분(약 3500억원)을 갖고 현지업체인 와이퐁과 함께 수주했다. 쌍용건설은 최저가를 제시하지 않았음에도 시공능력과 기술력·안전관리·경영평가 등에서 높은 점수를 받은 것으로 알려졌다. 이종현 쌍용건설 해외토목담당 상무는 “각 공구별로 최저가를 제시한 업체와 115억~490억원까지 금액이 차이 났음에도 수주에 성공했다”며 “그동안 까다로운 싱가포르 정부 발주처를 상대로 기존 프로젝트에서 보여준 고품질 시공능력과 신뢰가 있었기에 가능했다”고 말했다. 박민규 기자 yushin@asiae.co.kr [아시아경제] GS건설, 5,240억원 규모 싱가포르 남북간 지하 고속도로 수주 LTA awards six more contracts worth $3.14 billion for construction of North-South Corridor https://conpaper.tistory.com/73833?category=549077 |
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The contracts, worth a total of $3.14 billion, are for the design and construction of tunnels, along with facilities such as pedestrian overhead bridges and bus stops.
The North-South Corridor, which is largely underground, is targeted to be completed in 2026, and features dedicated bus and cycling lanes.
The contracts cover six sections of the corridor, and works are expected to start by the end of 2019, the LTA said on Friday (Dec 21).
The biggest contract, worth $799 million, was clinched by Lum Chang Building Contractors. The Singapore firm will design and build a 1.95km-long section of tunnel between Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3 and Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9.
Lum Chang Building Contractors has been involved in other transport infrastructure projects, such as the building of the Downtown Line's (DTL) Bukit Panjang station and tunnels.
Construction of a section of the North-South Corridor between Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9 and Sungei Seletar will be undertaken by Ssangyong Engineering & Construction.
The South Korean firm, which was awarded a $537.1 million contract, will build a 1.3km section of tunnel and a 1.1km viaduct, along with a 340m at-grade road between the two.
If Only Singaporeans Stopped to Think
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Ssangyong Engineering & Construction, in a joint venture with local firm Wai Fong Construction, also clinched another contract worth$482.5 million.
This is to build a 1.55km section of tunnel between Victoria Street and Kampong Java Road.
Another South Korean firm, GS Engineering & Construction Corporation, will design and construct a 1km section of tunnel and 1km viaduct, between the East Coast Parkway and Victoria Street.
The firm, which constructed the DTL depot, as well as the DTL's Cashew, Hillview and Fort Canning stations , was awarded the contract worth $635.8 million.
The construction of the tunnel between Pemimpin Place and Sin Ming Avenue was awarded to a joint venture comprising three local firms: Hwa Seng Builder, Chye Joo Construction and Ho Lee Construction.
They were awarded the contract, to build a 0.7km section of tunnel, at a sum of $242.9 million.
The contract to build a 1.1km section of tunnel between Marymount Lane and Pemimpin Place was awarded to the Singapore branch of China Railway First Group at a sum of $446 million.