유니세프, 세계 최초 드론 백신 상업 배송 성공 VIDEO: Child given world’s first drone-delivered vaccine in Vanuatu - UNICEF

Child given world’s first drone-delivered vaccine in Vanuatu - UNICEF

With 1 in 5 children in the remote Pacific island nation not fully immunized, UNICEF partners with the Government on first-ever commercial contract to deliver vaccines by drone


유니세프, 세계 최초 드론 백신 상업 배송 성공 


18일, 남태평양의 도서국 바누아트에서 어린이용 백신의 드론 배송 성공 발표. 

산간지 상공 약 40km 비행(유니세프 제공) 

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멀리 떨어진 태평양 섬나라에 사는 어린이 5명 중 1명이 완전히 면역이 되지 않은 상황에서 유니세프는 드론을 통한 백신 제공에 대한 첫 번째 상업적 계약을 정부와 체결하고 있다.

이제 생후 한 달 된 조이 노와이는 오늘 남태평양 바누아투의 외딴 섬에서 드론을 통해 백신을 받은 세계 최초의 어린이가 되었다.(위 사진 참조)

백신은 섬 서쪽 딜론 만에서 동쪽 해상에 이르기까지 약 40km에 달하는 험준한 산악 지형을 포함했으며, 13명의 어린이와 5명의 임산부가 등록된 간호사 미리암 남필의 예방 접종을 받았다. 건강 센터나 전기가 없는 작고 흩어진 마을인 쿡스 베이는 오직 발이나 작은 지역 배만 이용할 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

PORT VILA/ NEW YORK, 18 December 2018 –One month old Joy Nowai today became the world’s first child to be given a vaccine delivered commercially by drone in a remote island in the South Pacific country of Vanuatu.

The vaccine delivery covered almost 40 kilometers of rugged mountainous terrain from Dillon’s Bay on the west side of the island to the east landing in remote Cook’s Bay, where 13 children and five pregnant women were vaccinated by Miriam Nampil, a registered nurse. Cook’s Bay, a small, scattered community that does not have a health centre or electricity, is only accessible by foot or small local boats.

“Today’s small flight by drone is a big leap for global health,” said Henrietta H. Fore, UNICEF Executive Director. “With the world still struggling to immunize the hardest to reach children, drone technologies can be a game changer for bridging that last mile to reach every child.”

Vaccines are difficult to transport as they need to be carried at specific temperatures. Warm weather locations like Vanuatu, which is made up of more than 80 remote, mountainous islands stretching across 1,300 kilometers and with limited roads, is a particularly difficult location for vaccine delivery. As a result, almost 20 per cent of the country’s children – or 1 in 5 – miss out on their essential childhood vaccines.*


This kiji is produced by KYODO

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“It’s extremely hard to carry ice boxes to keep the vaccines cool while walking across rivers, mountains, through the rain, across rocky ledges. I’ve relied on boats, which often get cancelled due to bad weather,” said Miriam Nampil, the nurse who injected the world’s first drone-delivered vaccine. ”As the journey is often long and difficult, I can only go there once a month to vaccinate children. But now, with these drones, we can hope to reach many more children in the remotest areas of the island.”

During the drone flight on Erromango, the vaccines were carried in Styrofoam boxes with ice-packs with a temperature logger. An electronic indicator is triggered if the temperature of the vaccines swings out of acceptable range.

In tests last week, the Ministry of Health, with support from UNICEF, conducted drone trials with two drone operators, Swoop Aero and WingCopter, using test payloads. Swoop Aero, the Australian company responsible for today’s successful drone delivery, passed the first phase of trials by landing the payloads within 2 meters of the target after a 50-km flight over numerous islands and way points.

This is also the first time globally that a government is contracting a commercial drone company to transport vaccines to remote areas. The drone operators are selected after a bidding process, and as per the contract, they are held accountable and not paid if they don’t deliver.

In the long term, the Government of Vanuatu is interested in integrating the drone delivery of vaccines into their national immunization programme and using drones more widely to distribute health supplies. The data from the trials will also be used to show how drones can be used commercially in similar settings around the world.

“Today’s first-of-a-kind vaccine delivery has enormous potential not only for Vanuatu, but also for the thousands of children who are missing out on vaccines across the world,” added Fore. “This is innovation at its best, and shows how we can unlock the potential of the private sector for the greater good of the world’s children.”




