[획기적 충전기술] 포르쉐-BMW, 전기차 3분 충전에 100km 주행 기술 개발 VIDEO: Porsche and BMW unveil EV charger that’s three times faster than Tesla’s
Porsche and BMW unveil EV charger that’s three times faster than Tesla’s
Giving you 100 km of range in just three minutes
By Jon Porter@JonPorty Dec 14, 2018
Image: Porsech
[획기적 충전기술] 포르쉐-BMW, 전기차 3분 충전에 100km 주행 기술 개발 전기차 전성시대 예고 테슬라 수퍼차저보다 월등 포르쉐와 BMW 연구팀이 테슬라의 기존 슈퍼 충전기술의 3배에 달하는 용량을 가진 독일(뉴 아틀라스)에서 450kW급 충전소 시제품이 공개됐다. 이 정도의 전력을 제공한다는 것은, 단 3분 만에 약 100km(62마일)를 주행할 수 있는 전기량을 공급하거나, 15분 안에 10~80%의 BMW i3를 충전할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 반면 테슬라의 슈퍼 충전기술은 현재 최대 용량이 145kW이다. 하지만 테슬라는 이미 네트워크를 120kW에서 업그레이드했고 내년에는 네트워크 최대 용량을 250kW로 늘릴 계획이라는 점에서 같은 성능을 유지할 것 같지는 않다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator source: 카이스트 이병태 교수 |
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A research group with members including Porsche and BMW has unveiled a new 450 kW charging station prototype in Germany (via New Atlas), which has a capacity of three times that of Tesla’s existing Superchargers. Supplying that much power means that the new station, built by the FastCharge research group, could supply around 100 km (62 miles) of range in just three minutes, or charge a BMW i3 from 10 to 80 percent in 15 minutes.
In contrast, Tesla’s Superchargers currently have a maximum capacity of 145 kW. However, FastCharge is unlikely to maintain this same lead for long: Tesla has already upgraded its network from 120 kW in the past, and it plans to increase the maximum capacity of its network to 250 kW next year.
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Unluckily for Tesla, this upgrade still won’t be enough to make it the fastest charging network in America. It recently saw its first 350 kW charging station installed in California by Electrify America.
FastCharge’s new station might have a high theoretical capacity, but the actual amount of power drawn by average electric vehicles is likely to be considerably less for the time being — at least until the cars catch up. The prototype Porsche Taycan that was used in the demonstration (which is due to be released next year) only drew a little over 400 kW, while other vehicles such as the Audi E-Tron or Jaguar I-Pace can draw 150 kW and 100 kW, respectively. FastCharge’s prototype station supports cars with both 400- and 800-volt battery systems, and it will automatically pick the best one to use when it’s plugged into a vehicle.
There’s also the problem of availability. Although FastCharge has its prototype charger up and running in Germany, it will take time for the infrastructure to become widely available. There are also still questions about the power grid’s ability to handle a large amount of power-hungry charging stations delivering power all at once.
Outside of charging station availability, charge time has been one of the key challenges for electric vehicles to overcome. Even if a gas station installs dozens of charging stations, these will struggle to meet demand if cars need to be plugged in for half an hour at a time. Previously, Tesla has proposed measures including replacing a car’s battery entirely to cut down on charging times, but now it seems simply pumping more power through a charging station might solve the problem after all.