GS건설, '한-미얀마 우정의 다리 교량 공사’ 수주 VIDEO: Korean investments could kick start long-delayed construction of Dala Bridge

Korean investments could kick start long-delayed construction of Dala Bridge

The Dala Bridge project area in Dala township. Aung Htay Hlaing/The Myanmar Times

An industrial zone to be developed by the Yangon regional government and Myanmar Wooree Co, a South Korean firm, at the west bank of the Yangon River could be the impetus needed for construction of the much-touted Dala Bridge to commence.

The architectural design of Korea-Myanmar friendship bridge (Dala)./Myanmar Business Today


GS건설, '한-미얀마 우정의 다리(KOREA-MYANMAR Friendship Bridge) 교량 공사’ 수주

1,742억 규모

총 연장 4.325km 

대외경제협력기금(EDCF) 지원 사업 추진

  GS건설(47,35050 -0.11%)이 미얀마에서 교량 공사를 수주하며 미얀마 인프라 시장에 첫 진출했다.

GS건설은 지난 13일 미얀마 건설부로부터 약 1,742억원 규모의 ‘한-미얀마 우정의 다리(KOREA-MYANMAR Friendship Bridge) 교량 공사’ 낙찰통지서(LOA)를 접수했다고 14일 밝혔다.

한국수출입은행의 대외경제협력기금(EDCF) 지원 사업으로 추진돼 프로젝트 이름도 ‘한-미얀마 우정의 다리’ 로 명명됐다.

이번 프로젝트는 미얀마의 구 수도이자 경제 산업 중심지인 양곤시의 중심지역과 교통소외지역이자 도시개발계획을 추진 중인 달라지역을 연결하는 도로 및 교량 건설 사업이다. 내년 상반기에 착공해 2022년 완공을 목표로 하고 있다.

총 연장 4.325km 의 도로 및 교량 공사로 1.464km 의 4차선 도로와 2.861km 의 교량으로 구성된다. 교량 구간의 중심에는 690m길이의 콘크리트 사장교가 세워진다. 주탑 간 거리인 주경간은 320m에 달한다.

현재 달라 지역 주민들은 CBD지역까지 가려면 우회도로로 약 2시간 이상 소요됐으나, 신설되는 한-미얀마 우정의 다리를 통하면 약 1시간 30분 가량이 단축돼 보다 빠르고 안전하게 통행할 수 있게 된다.

GS건설은 지난 7월 탄자니아 뉴 샐린더 교량 수주에 이어 올해 벌써 2번째 해외 교량 프로젝트를 수주했으며, 싱가포르, 베트남, 필리핀 등 동남아시아에서 수년간 쌓아온 노하우를 바탕으로 미얀마 인프라 건설 시장에 첫 진출하게 됐다.

GS건설은 미얀마 최초 PPP 사업으로 발주되는 양곤 고가 고속도로 PPP사업 입찰에도 한국컨소시엄의 리더사로 참여하는 등 미얀마 인프라 건설 시장 진출에 적극적으로 나서고 있다. 

GS건설 인프라부문 대표 이상기 부사장은 “미얀마 시장은 향후 건설/인프라 분야의 성장 가능성이 높은 국가로 이번 한-미얀마 우정의 다리 수주를 발판으로 향후 폭넓게 사업을 발굴해 미얀마에서 사업을 확대해 나가길 기대한다”며 “GS건설의 기술력과 수행 역량을 최대한 발휘해 미얀마의 산업 인프라 확충과 경제 발전에도 기여할 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠다”고 밝혔다.

이정선 기자 한국경제

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Once the bridge, which will connect downtown Yangon to the western side of town, is constructed, the new industrial zone is expected to become a hotspot for investments. Now, plans are being made so that the Dala Bridge, also known as the Myanmar-Korea Friendship Bridge, will be operational by 2020-21, said U Phyo Min Thein, Yangon Region Chief Minister.

The Yangon region government and Myanmar Wooree Co on August 11 signed a Memorandum of Understanding to construct an industrial zone near where the planned bridge connects to Dala township.  

There are also plans to construct industrial zones in Kawhmu and Kon Chan Kone, which are part of the 11 new industrial zones proposed to the Hluttaw for implementation in Yangon region. The zones are both also located at the west bank of Yangon and will benefit from the bride.

Although it is relatively near the Yangon downtown area, Dala remains undeveloped and accessible via ferry or boats crossing the Yangon River. In that light, the need for a bridge connecting the city to Dala is much in demand. 

In fact, talk of building the Dala Bridge was first mooted six years ago. The project has yet to be implemented owing to disagreements about measurements between the Ministry of Construction and Myanma Port Authority (MPA), which is under the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Based on a press conference in June, the two ministries have agreed on a height of 49 meters for the bridge, but have yet to agree on the distance between the supporting pillars under the bridge. 

According to the MPA, the current measurements of the bridge will prevent large container ships and other vessels from berthing at the Yangon ports. That could disrupt trade activities if the port is unable to service the ships. It will also disturb port operators’ future plans for expansion in Yangon.

The architectural design of Korea-Myanmar friendship bridge (Dala)/

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Construction of the bridge had already commenced with support from South Korea in 2012-13 under the previous government, but the plans were waylaid by disagreements. 

 The MPA is expecting 20,000-tonne vessels to ply the river and had initially negotiated for the bridge to be 54 meters high and for the distance between the supporting pillars of the bridge to be 350 meters apart in 2013. 

In 2014, with help from the Korean Economic Development Cooperation, the bridge design was drafted however the height and width of the bridge differed from the MPA’s proposed measurements, leading to further delays in commencing construction.

But with South Korean investors now eager and interested to do business by developing industrial zones and making use of the water passage in Dala, Kawhmu, and Kon Chan Kone townships, plans to build the bridge might be sped up, said U Tun Yin, regional Hluttaw MP from Dala constituency. 

Currently, the authorities are still finalising the measurements of the bridge and bidding invitations for the construction of the bridge are in progress, said U Khin Maung Swe, director general from the Bridge Department.

According to the Ministry of Construction, the Dala Bridge will be financed with a loan from Korea’s Economic Development Cooperation Fund as well as funds from the Myanmar government. It will connect Yangon’s Phonegyi Road in Lanmadaw township and Dala’s Bo Min Yaung Road in the Kamakasit ward.



