법정에서 카메라 켜둔 채 성관계 가진 페루 변호사 VIDEO: A brief encounter! Lawyer is caught having SEX with 'a client' during Zoom call court hearing in Peru
A brief encounter! Lawyer is caught having SEX with 'a client' during Zoom call court hearing in Peru
Peruvian defence lawyer Hector Paredes Robles was branded a disgrace by the judge presiding over the remand hearing
Peruvian lawyer Hector Robles had sex at the virtual remand hearing Tuesday
During the video he strips naked before being straddled by an unknown woman
Female aide tried to alert Robles the sex session was being recorded on live feed
Reports say woman in video was Roble's client, but she hasn't been identified
Lawyer now faces two separate investigations into the 'obscene acts'
PUBLISHED: 09:35 GMT, 30 January 2021 | UPDATED: 15:52 GMT, 1 February 2021
법정에서 카메라 켜둔 채 성관계 가진 페루 변호사
지난주 페루의 줌(Zoom) 법원 심리에서 한 변호사가 컴퓨터 카메라를 켜둔 채 성관계를 가진 사실이 적발됐다.
판사는 화요일 페루 중부 변호사 헥터 파레데스 로블레스에게 X등급 공개 불명예를 안겼다.
파레데스 로블레스(Paredes Robles)가 옷을 벗고 의자에 앉는 동안 놀란 법원 관계자들은 그의 무릎 위에 고객으로 추정되는 벗은 갈색 머리띠가 올라오는 것을 지켜보았다.
존 차후아 토레스 판사는 변호사의 여성 보좌관이 파레스 로블레스의 성관계가 생방송으로 녹화된다는 사실을 알리려고 했으나 경찰관을 보내 제지했다..
이런 어처구니 없는 일련의 사건들은 지난 화요일 페루 중부 주닌 지역의 피차나키에 있는 법원이 주관한 비대면 심리에서 일어났다.
그 변호사의 의뢰인은 체포되었다.
섹스 장면이 멈출 기미를 보이지 않자, 토레스는 말했다: '우리는 공공의 품위를 침해하는 음란한 행위를 목격하고 있으며, 그들이 전국적으로 녹화되고 있다는 사실이 일파만파 번지고 있다.'고 말했다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
edited by kcontents
A lawyer was caught having sex during a Zoom court hearing last week after leaving his computer camera on.
The judge presiding over the virtual hearing branded lawyer Hector Paredes Robles a disgrace for his X-rated public performance in central Peru on Tuesday.
Astonished court officials watched on as Paredes Robles stripped off and sat on a chair before a naked brunette believed to be a client climbed on his lap.
Judge John Chahua Torres sent a police officer to intervene as a female aide tried to alert Paredes Robles his sex session was being watched and recorded on a live feed.
Getting his client off: Lawyer was oblivious the court was watching his performance
The surreal sequence of events occurred on Tuesday during a virtual remand hearing organised by a court in Pichanaki in the central Peruvian region of Junin.
The lawyer's client was held after an operation against an organised crime gang.
As the sex scene showed no sign of stopping, judge Torres said: 'We are witnessing obscene acts which represent a violation of public decency and are aggravated by the fact they are being recorded nationally.'
A female court worker confirmed the camera belonged to Paredes Robles. The judge then instructed the State Prosecution Service to launch an immediate investigation.
Last night the lawyer was barred from any more involvement in the ongoing land trafficking, fraud and extortion case.
He was also told he would face two separate probes, one by state prosecutors and another by his local bar association.
Some local reports have described the brunette he had sex with as his client, though she is yet to be identified.
The judge sent a police officer to intervene and a female aide tried to warn Paredes Robles as the sex scene continued during a virtual court hearing in Peru
Local reports say the brunette in the video was one of Paredes Roble's clients, but she is yet to be identified
After the court hearing was suspended for the lewd behaviour, the judge said: 'Hector Paredes Robles has been fully identified as the lawyer who has disrespected the dignity of this court as well as the other lawyers present and the legal profession as a whole.'
A regional High Court statement released yesterday added: 'We condemn the actions of the lawyer Hector Paredes Robles who during a virtual remand hearing committed obscene acts which violated public decency.
'The judge in charge of the hearing excluded the lawyer from the defence representatives and ordered a duty lawyer to replace him.
'He also ruled that Peru's Public Ministry and the local bar association should be informed so they can take appropriate action.'
Last September an Argentinian MP resigned his seat after being suspended for kissing a woman's breasts during an online parliamentary session.
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