터키·그리스 규모 7 강진 최소 23명 사망 VIDEO: Powerful earthquake jolts Turkey and Greece, killing at least 23

Powerful earthquake jolts Turkey and Greece, killing at least 23

By Isil Sariyuce, Mostafa Salem and Angela Dewan, CNN

Updated 0140 GMT (0940 HKT) October 31, 2020

Istanbul, Turkey (CNN)At least 23 people were killed in Turkey and Greece when a powerful earthquake hit the Aegean Sea on Friday afternoon, sending buildings crashing down and triggering what authorities have called a "mini tsunami."

A damaged building after the earthquake struck on Friday in the coastal province of Izmir, Turkey.


에게해 규모 7 강진에 터키·그리스서 19명 사망·700여명 부상

   30일(현지시간) 터키 서부 이즈미르 인근 에게해 해상에서 규모 7 강진이 발생했다. -미국 지질조사국(USGS) 갈무리.

에게해 남부 해상에서 발생한 규모 7 강진에 터키에서 인명 피해가 계속 늘어나고 있다. 지금까지 사망자가 최소 17명, 부상자는 700여명으로 증가한 것으로 집계됐다.

앞서 그리스 사모스섬에서 사망한 10대 두 명을 포함하면 이번 지진으로 인한 전체 사망자는 최소 19명으로 늘어난다. 그리스 당국은 10대 남성 1명과 여성 1명이 무너진 벽 잔해 밑에서 발견됐다고 밝혔다.

구조작업이 진행 중이지만 여진이 최소 114차례 발생하는 등 지진 여파가 계속되고 있어 사상자가 더 나올 것이라는 우려가 커지고 있다.

터키 사망자 17명으로 늘어…전체 19명 사망 : 30일(현지시간) CNN과 AFP·로이터통신에 따르면 터키 재난응급관리청(AFAD)은 건물 17채가 파괴되면서 최소 17명이 숨지고 709명이 다쳤다고 밝혔다. 현재 실종자 수색·구조작업 중인 17채 건물 가운데 4채는 완전히 무너져내렸다.

그리스 사모스섬도 피해…2명 사망, 4명 부상 : 이번 강진은 에게해 건너편 그리스까지 미쳤다. 아테네와 크레타섬에서도 진동이 느껴졌고, 특히 진원에서 약 19km 떨어진 그리스 사모스섬에서는 건물이 무너지면서 피해가 발생했다.

구축 건물이 많은 사모스섬 북서부 카를로바시 지역에서는 지진으로 인해 2명이 사망하고 4명이 경상을 입었다. 이에 따라 향후 48시간 동안 주민들에게 건물과 해안에서 대피하라는 지시가 내려졌다.

사모스섬에는 헤라 신전 등이 있어 강진으로 인한 유적 파괴 우려도 커지고 있다.

키리아코스 미초타키스 그리스 총리는 주민들에게 여진에 주의하라고 당부하며 “당국이 문제를 해결하기 위해 섬으로 향하고 있다”고 말했다.

에게해 남부 해상서 규모 7 강진 발생 : 앞서 미국 지질조사국(USGS)에 따르면 이날 현지시간 오후 2시51분쯤 터키 이즈미르 세페리히사르에서 남동쪽으로 약 31.4km 떨어진 해상에서 규모 7 강진이 발생했다. 진원 깊이는 21km 지점이다.

다만 터키 재난청은 이날 발생한 지진의 강도를 규모 6.6, 유럽지중해센터는 6.9 등 각기 다르게 측정했다.




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Officials said 21 people were killed in coastal areas in Turkey's west, while two teenagers -- a boy and a girl -- died on the Greek island of Samos after a wall collapsed on them.

In Turkey, at least 20 buildings in the city of Izmir alone were destroyed, Mayor Tunc Soyer told CNN Turk. Images showed vehicles crushed under the buildings and people digging through the rubble in search of survivors.

At least 804 people have been injured in Turkey, said the country's disaster agency. Dozens were saved by rescue teams using diggers and helicopters to search for survivors.

A total of 196 aftershocks have been recorded, 23 of which were over 4.0 magnitude, the agency added. Search and rescue operations continue in 17 buildings, four of which have collapsed, said Murat Kurum, Turkey's Environment and Urbanization Minister.

People standing outside their homes in Izmir, Turkey, on Friday.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that among Turkey's injured, five people are being operated on and eight are in intensive care

TV footage showed water flooding through the streets of Cesme and Seferihisar in parts of Turkey's wider Izmir province, as well as on the Greek island of Samos, in what officials described as a "mini tsunami." No tsunami warnings were issued.

Idil Gungor, who works as a journalist and runs a guesthouse in the Turkish town of Siğacik in Izmir province, said that the area was damaged more by the force of the water than the quake itself.

Her guesthouse, in a 100-year-old building, had been inundated and fish were swimming inside it, she said. Shops in town have also been flooded and their goods damaged.

"Everybody is calm but shocked and we're wondering what will happen, if there's a second tsunami coming or not," Gungor said.

Zeki Soysal, also a resident in Izmir province, told CNN Turk that he made it out of his office building just before it collapsed.

"There was an older woman in the building but we saved her, she got out. There is another building close to this building. They are continuing to try to get the people out," he said.

A wounded woman hugs her relative after being rescued from debris of a building in Bornova district of Izmir on Friday.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) measured the tremor's magnitude at 7.0, while Turkish authorities said it was 6.6. The quake struck 14 kilometers (8.7 miles) northeast of the town of Néon Karlovásion on Samos, the USGS reported, at 1:51 pm Greek time (7:51a.m. ET).

But it hit at a relatively shallow depth of 21 kilometers (13 miles), the USGS reported, making its impact powerfully felt at ground level around the epicenter.

Authorities in both countries have reported dozens of aftershocks. Izmir Governor Yavuz Selim Köşger called on residents to stay off the roads and refrain from using mobile phones unnecessarily so that emergency vehicles could reach affected areas and response teams could communicate effectively.

In Greece, Samos Deputy Mayor Giorgos Dionisiou told Greek media that some old buildings had collapsed on the island.

Buildings were also destroyed on the Greek island of Samos; the country's public broadcaster said the quake caused a mini-tsunami in the area.

People have been told by Greek authorities to stay away from the shore and buildings, and to be on alert for high waves as aftershocks continue.

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Major earthquake strikes Turkish coast and Greek islands - BBC News  kcontents

