경악! 프랑스 시민들 참수한 이슬람 테러에 분노하는 마크롱 VIDEO: France will not give in to terror after Nice attack, Macron says

France will not give in to terror after Nice attack, Macron says

President calls for firmness and unity after man with knife kills three people in church

Kim Willsher in Paris

France will not give in to terror, Emmanuel Macron has said, in a call for firmness and unity after the country’s latest terrorist attack left three people dead.

via bbc video


프랑스 시민들 참수한 이슬람 테러에 분노하는 마크롱

   프랑스 대통령 에마뉘엘 마크롱은 최근 이슬람의 테러 공격으로 3명이 사망하자 프랑스는 테러에 굴복하지 않을 것이라고 밝혔다.

니스 중심가 노트르담 대성당에서 칼로 무장한 남성이 여성 2명과 남성 1명을 살해하자 대통령은 침울하지만 강력한 메시지를 발표했다.

이 남성은 오전 8시 30분경 17cm 칼을 들고 교회 안으로 들어갔는데, 30분 만에 2명을 살해하고 신자들의 3분의 1을 치명상을 입혔다.

희생자 중 한 명은 오전 8시 30분쯤 성당이 문을 연 직후부터 성당에서 기도하고 있던 60세 여성이다.

프랑스의 반테러 검사 장 프랑수아 리카드는 그녀가 목이 잘릴 정도로 목이 잘렸다고 말했다.

교회에서 섹스턴으로 추정되는 한 남성이 두 번째 피해자였다. 그는 55세의 빈센트 로퀘스라는 이름을 가졌고 두 아이의 아버지였다. 또 목이 잘린 것으로 알려졌다.

44세의 한 여성은 여러 차례 칼에 찔려 중상을 입었지만 교회에서 근처 술집으로 탈출하는데 성공했지만, 그곳에서 사망했다. 그녀는 세 아이의 어머니로 살바도르 출신인 시모네 바레토 실바로 브라질 언론에서 이름을 날렸다.

현장에 먼저 출동한 시경은 범인이 칼을 떨어뜨리기를 거부하자 수차례 총을 쏴 어깨에 부상을 입힌 것으로 알려졌다. 

국가 대테러 검사가 '테러 조직과 연계된 살인 사건'에 대한 수사를 개시했다.

리카드는 목요일 저녁 기자회견에서 공격자가 세 개의 칼과 그 중 두 칼은 공격에 사용되지 않았으며 이슬람 경전인 쿠란 한 권을들고 있었다고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

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The president issued a sombre but defiant message after a man armed with a knife killed two women and a man in the Notre-Dame basilica in central Nice, the second such attack in France in less than a fortnight.

The man entered the church carrying a knife with a 17cm blade around 8.30am; within 30 minutes he had killed two people and fatally injured a third.

One of the victims was a 60-year-old woman who had been in the basilica praying since shortly after it opened at about 8.30am.

France’s anti-terrorist prosecutor Jean-François Ricard said she had her throat cut “to the point of being almost decapitated”.

A man, believed to be the church sexton, was the second victim. He was named as Vincent Loqués, 55, and a father of two children. He also reportedly had his throat cut.

A woman, aged 44, was stabbed several times and critically injured but managed to escape from the church to a nearby bar, where she died of her injuries. She has been named in Brazilian press as Simone Barreto Silva, a mother of three and originally from Salvador.

Police described the scene as a “vision of horror”.

via bbc video

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City police who were first at the scene shot the killer several times after he reportedly refused to drop the knife, injuring him in the shoulder. By 9.10am the attacker had been “neutralised”. French officials praised the prompt police action in preventing further bloodshed.

The national anti-terrorist prosecutor has opened an investigation into “killings linked to a terrorist organisation”.

At a press conference on Thursday evening, Ricard said the attacker was carrying three knives – two of which were not used in the attack – and a Qur’an.

He was named by French media as Brahim Aouissaoui, a 21-year-old Tunisian national who reportedly entered France illegally via Lampedusa, Italy, at the beginning of October. Aouissaoui was not carrying any identity papers apart from a document from the Italian Red Cross.

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Macron says France 'will not give in to terror' after Nice attack

Nice attack: knife attacker kills three people at church in France

Knife Attack At French Church Kills At Least 3 | TODAY


