중국 산시성 건물 붕괴로 29명 사망 VIDEO: Over two dozen dead in China restaurant collapse
Over two dozen dead in China restaurant collapse
Another 28 people were injured, seven of them seriously, when the building suddenly tumbled on Saturday, according to officials
This aerial view taken on August 29, 2020, shows rescuers searching through the rubble of a collapsed restaurant in Linfen, in China's northern Shanxi province. (AFP)
The death toll from the collapse of a two-story restaurant in the northern Chinese province of Shanxi has risen to 29, according to Chinese authorities.
The Ministry of Emergency Management on Sunday said another 28 people were injured, seven of them seriously, when the building suddenly tumbled on Saturday.
It said that rescue operations have now concluded, but there was no immediate word on what caused the collapse.
The restaurant was in Shanxi province, about 630 kilometers southwest of Beijing.
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중국 산시성서 건물 붕괴 사고 발생
중국 산시(山西)성 린펀(臨汾)시의 한 조용한 시골 마을인 천좡(陣庄)촌에서 발생한 식당 붕괴 사고로 29명이 목숨을 잃는 비극이 발생했다.
Amnon Free Press
중국 북부 산시성의 2층짜리 식당 붕괴로 인한 사망자가 29명으로 늘어났다고 중국 당국이 밝혔다.
소방방재부는 25일 건물이 갑자기 무너져 7명이 중경상을 입었다고 밝혔다.
구조작업은 이제 끝났지만 붕괴의 원인이 무엇인지에 대해서는 즉각적인 언급은 없었다고 한다.
이 식당은 베이징에서 남서쪽으로 약 630km 떨어진 산시성에 있었다.
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