런던의 하이퍼루프식 소포 배송 지하 터널 VIDEO:Ocado shopping delivered by MAGNETS? Hyperloop-style underground tunnels backed

Ocado shopping delivered by MAGNETS? Hyperloop-style underground tunnels backed by major retailers will deliver packages across 

London in £1.5 million test trial after hitting crowdfunding target

Tunnels would transport 72,000 carriages per hour each holding four parcels

Building tunnels and carriages alone will cost a massive £1.5m per mile 

Company has raised £1.5 through investors including British supermarket Ocado


PUBLISHED: 11:32 GMT, 3 February 2020 | UPDATED: 11:54 GMT, 3 February 2020


런던의 하이퍼루프식 소포 배송 지하 터널

   런던 전역에 소포 배송을 위한 하이퍼루프식 지하 터널의 오카도 지원 네트워크는 150만 파운드를 모금한 후 한 걸음 더 가까워졌다.

런던 웸블리에 본사를 둔 매그웨이는 일론 머스크의 하이퍼루프 프로젝트의 엔지니어인 루퍼트 크루즈와 비즈니스 전문가인 필 데이비스가 2017년 설립했다.

그들은 지난 11월 75만 파운드를 모금하기 위해 크라우드 펀딩 웹사이트인 크라우드큐브에 갔지만, 이 목표를 두 배 이상 늘려, 158만 파운드를 기록했다.

이 돈으로 그들은 팀을 확장하고 시범단계에 진입할 수 있게 될 것이며, 이 단계에서는 올해 말에 만들어진 0.9m 폭의 자기관 시험 트랙 1.9km로 보게 될 것이다.

이 회사는 일단 완전히 설치되면 지하 터널 네트워크가 런던에서만 연간 6억 개 이상의 소포를 배달할 수 있다고 말한다.

이 터널은 각각 4개의 소포를 싣고 시속 7만2천대의 마차를 자기 선로를 따라 운반할 수 있으며, 이는 시속 40m 미만의 속도로 앞으로 나아갈 수 있다.

이 회사는 런던, 허트포드셔, 그리고 다수의 충족 센터가 있는 밀턴 케인즈까지 최초의 트랙을 건설하기를 기대하고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Ocado-backed network of Hyperloop-style underground tunnels for delivering packages across London moves a step closer after raising £1.5 million.

A series of tunnels would transport 72,000 carriages per hour each holding four parcels along a magnetic track

Magway, based in Wembley, London, was founded in 2017 by Rupert Cruise, an engineer on Elon Musk's Hyperloop project, and Phill Davies, business expert. 

They took to crowdfunding website crowdcube in November in the hope of raising £750,000, but they more than doubled that goal, hitting £1.58 million.

The money will allow them to expand their team and enter the pilot stage - which will see a 1.2 mile test track of 3ft wide magnetic tubes built later this year.  

Scroll down for video. 

A series of tunnels would transport 72,000 carriages per hour each holding four parcels along a magnetic track

The company says it's network of underground tunnels could deliver more than 600 million packages a year in London alone once fully installed.

A series of tunnels would transport 72,000 carriages per hour each holding four parcels along a magnetic track, which propels them forward at just under 40mph. 

Magway transports goods including groceries and small parcels on carriages moving along a magnetic track. Pictured is a still from an animated video showing a carriage moving along a track

The Magway tunnels could run under the embankment by the side of the hard shoulder and help cut down on congestion

They hope to build the first operational track between London, Hertfordshire and on to Milton Keynes where there are a number of fulfilment centres.

'We’ve been overwhelmed by the response to our crowdfunding campaign.' said Magway Managing Director, Anna Daroy.

The full-scale roll-out would eliminate millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions annually by removing heavy good vehicles

The first 56-mile section from Milton Keynes to Park Royal could be ready in three years

'It shows that people, particularly younger generations, are prepared to back innovative businesses, such as Magway, in their drive to change existing, out-dated modes of transportation.'

The team say their network of tunnels will give retailers a quick and cheap way to move goods between distribution and fulfilment centres, and could be up and running in as little as three years. 

The company has also raised £1.5 million through investors including Ocado - who may use the service in the future - and a government grant of £650,000.  

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