NEC, 대형 드론 닮은 날으는 자동차 시제품 선보여 VIDEO: Prototype hovers ten feet above the ground for one minute in unveiling by Japanese electronics giant NEC

Is this the flying car of the future? Prototype hovers ten feet above the ground for one minute in unveiling by Japanese electronics giant NEC


The prototype took off inside a giant metal cage as a precaution to protect the onlooking reporters 

Helmets were dished out to reporters as the drone-like machine hovered above the ground for 60 seconds 

Japanese government plans to have flying cars in operation by the 2030s to cut congestion in the country  

NEC, 대형 드론 달은 날으는 자동차 시제품 선보여

   일본 전자업체 NEC는 대형 드론을 닮은 4개의 프로펠러를 탑재한 '날으는 자동차' 시제품을 선보였다. 

시험 비행은 도쿄 교외의 NEC 시설에서 구경하는 관람객들을 보호하기 위해 고안된 거대한 우리 안에서 약 3m 상공에서 꾸준히 맴도는 것을 보았다. 

기계에 대한 반복적인 점검과 기자들에게 헬멧을 쓰라고 경고하는 것과 같은 준비들은 두 번의 짧은 시험비행보다도 더 많은 시간이 걸렸다.

일본 정부는 2030년대까지 상용화를 목표로 하고 있다.

정부가 지원하는 노력 중에는 2011년 일본 동북부 후쿠시마에서 발생한 쓰나미, 지진, 원자력 재해로 인해 파괴된 지역에 건설된 하늘을 나는 자동차를 위한 거대한 시험 코스가 있다. 

할리우드 유명인사들이 휴양지로 자주 이용하는 일본 중부의 한 현인 미에(Mie)도 다양한 섬들을 연결하는 데 하늘을 나는 자동차를 이용하기를 바라고 있다.

유사 프로젝트들은 미국의 Uber Air와 같이 전 세계적으로 나타나고 있다.

일본 스타트업 카티베이터의 날으는 자동차가 2017년 시연회에서 급속히 추락했다. 오늘 시승에 참석한 후쿠자와 도모히로 시마토오 카티베이터 사장은 그전보다 더 오래 비행하고 있다고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 05:29 BST, 5 August 2019 | UPDATED: 14:32 BST, 5 August 2019

Japanese electronics maker NEC has displayed a working 'flying car' prototype which resembles a large drone and is powered by four propellers. 

The test flight saw it hover steadily for about a minute ten feet above the ground inside a gigantic cage designed to protect onlookers watching at an NEC facility in a Tokyo suburb. 

The preparations such as the repeated checks on the machine and warnings to reporters to wear helmets took up more time than the two brief demonstrations.

The Japanese government is behind flying cars, with the goal of having people zipping around in them by the 2030s.

Japanese electronics maker NEC has displayed a working 'flying car' prototype (pictured) which resembles a large drone and is powered by four propellers. The test flight saw it hover steadily for about a minute ten feet above the ground 

Preparations for its take-off, including repeated checks on the machine and warnings to reporters to wear helmets, took up more time than the two brief demonstrations (pictured). The Japanese government is behind flying cars, with the goal of having people zipping around in them by the 2030s

Among the government-backed endeavours is a huge test course for flying cars that's built in an area devastated by the 2011 tsunami, quake and nuclear disasters in Fukushima in northeastern Japan. 

Mie, a prefecture in central Japan that's frequently used as a resort area by Hollywood celebrities, also hopes to use flying cars to connect its various islands.

Similar projects are popping up around world, such as Uber Air of the US.

A flying car by Japanese startup Cartivator crashed quickly in a 2017 demonstration. Cartivator Chief Executive Tomohiro Fukuzawa, who was at today's demonstration, said their machines were also flying longer.

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