넘어지면 다시 일어나는 섬뜩한 로봇 강아지 VIDEO: The robo-dog that can teach itself new tricks: Unnerving video shows four-legged 'ANYmal' bot using AI...

The robo-dog that can teach itself new tricks: Unnerving video shows four-legged 'ANYmal' bot using AI to get back up after a human kicks it

Swiss scientists showed how the ANYmal robot is able to withstand human kicks

Robot is trained with AI to be able to respond quickly and maintain its balance

With the ability to recover from falls, the scientists say four-legged robots could be even more useful to humans in the future, such as use in rescue missions 


넘어지면 다시 일어나는 썸뜩한 로봇 강아지

스위스 연구팀

 "넘어졌지만 다시 일어난다"

스위스 연구팀은 인간의 반복적인 발차기와 싸울 수 있도록 로봇 강아지를 훈련시켰다. 

'ANYmal'이라고 불리는 이 로봇은 아무리 많이 차도, 뒤로 굴러서 다시 일어설 수 있다. 

이 연구자들의 연구결과는 수요일 사이언스 로보틱스지에 발표된 새로운 논문에 실렸다.

스위스 ETH 취리히 대학의 과학자들은 인공지능을 사용하여 로봇이 전보다 더 빠르게 움직이고 반응할 수 있도록 훈련시켰다.

그들은 너무 빨라서 이전 기록보다 25%나 더 빨리 달릴 수 있었다고 말한다. 

연구원들에 따르면, 이것은 정말 하기 쉬운 일이 아니다라고 말한다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 22:39 GMT, 17 January 2019 | UPDATED: 23:51 GMT, 17 January 2019

It gets knocked down, but it gets up again. 

A team of Swiss researchers have trained a robot dog to be able to fight off repeated kicks from a human.  

No matter how many times the robot, called the 'ANYmal,' gets kicked, it's able to roll over onto its back and stand back up again.  

The researchers' findings were laid out in a new paper published Wednesday in Science Robotics.  

Scientists from Switzerland's ETH Zurich University trained the robot using artificial intelligence, which enables it to move and respond faster than ever before. 

A team of researchers trained a robot dog to be able to fight off repeated kicks from a human. No matter how many times it gets kicked, it's able to roll over onto its back and stand back up

So fast, they say, that it was able to beat the previous speed record by 25 percent.  

According to researchers, this is not an easy thing to do.

Anymal's limbs allow it to move at a pace that's comparable to that of a human and it can carry a payload of up to 22lbs. Its creators believe it could be used in first response situations

'Legged robots pose one of the greatest challenges in robotics,' the study notes. 

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