VIDEO: Study reveals testosterone-fueled hedge fund managers like those in 'Wolf of Wall Street' are more likely to LOSE money, commit fraud, and get fired

The cost of being an alpha male: Study reveals testosterone-fueled hedge fund managers like those in 'Wolf of Wall Street' are more likely to LOSE money, commit fraud, and get fired

Testosterone-fueled male traders are more likely to lose money, scientists say  

They measured facial-width-to-height ratio, which correlates with testosterone

Men with a wider face are more likely to underperform as hedge fund managers 


PUBLISHED: 21:39 BST, 19 April 2018 

Hotshot Wall Street traders are often depicted as high-energy, aggressive men that are willing to take risks to survive in a dog-eat-dog environment. 

But as it turns out, testosterone may not be every trader's best friend, according to a new study conducted by the University of Central Florida and Singapore Management University.

For the study, researchers measured the facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) -- a feature that has been linked to high testosterone levels in adults -- of 3,228 male hedge fund managers from 1,901 investment firms.

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