홍콩의 콘크리트관 미니 아파트 Concrete Water Pipes Reimagined as Micro-Apartments for Innovative Housing Solution

Concrete Water Pipes Reimagined as Micro-Apartments for Innovative Housing Solution

By Jessica Stewart on January 21, 2018

좁은 땅덩어리에 많은 인구가 사는 홍콩의 주택난은 상상불가다.

그런 중에 기발한 아이디어가 나왔다.

바로 콘크리트 배수관 모양의 초소형 아파트.

홍콩은 방 하나 임대하는데 월 2,100불이나 한다.

많은 홍콩 사람들은 관(2평이하의)주거지역에서 살고 있으며

그들은 그냥 대형관이라고 부른다

홍콩의 건축디자인 스튜디오인 제임스 로 사이버텍처(James Law Cybertecture)는

콘크리관에 착안한 초소형 아파트 디자인을 선보였다. 즉 모듈러 하우스.

폭 2.4m 내부 면적이 90m2으로 1~2인이 사용할 수 있으며

모든 가전 제품은 가장 작은 크기가 빌트인 되어 있고 의자와 침대로 접게 되어 있다.

창문은 스마트폰으로 열고 닫을 수 있다.

좁은 공간을 매우 효율적으로 알뜰살뜰하게 사용할 수 있도록 디자인됐다.

'OPod Tube House'라 불리는 이 콘크리트관 아파트는 1만5천불이면 지을 수 있으며 

임대하면 월 400불까지 받을 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Housing shortages are a reality in many parts of the world, but nowhere more so than Hong Kong, where the average one-bedroom apartment downtown rents for $2,100 and many people are forced into cheap black market apartments called coffin cubicles. But James Law Cybertecture, a Hong Kong-based studio, is looking to change that through the development of affordable micro-housing.

The firm recently built a prototype of the OPod Tube House, a concrete water pipe transformed into modular housing. Measuring a little over 8 feet wide, each 1,000-square-foot space is designed to house one or two people. The Opod Tube Houses come with the standard features of any apartment, including a foldable bench that doubles as a bed, space for a microwave and mini-fridge, and a bathroom area at the rear. The large circular door—which can be opened and closed with a smartphone—also doubles as a window to let in natural light and the whitewashed interior gives a surprisingly spacious feel to the small space.

Studio founder James Law tells Dezeen that the micro-apartment would appeal to “young people who can't afford private housing” and who are looking for a temporary living situation for a year or two. One of the most interesting features of the OPod Tube House is that due to its size, it can fit almost anywhere, something critical in a high-density city like Hong Kong. The compact structure can slot into the spaces between buildings or be stacked in vacant lots. Their ease of portability also means that they can be transported to different areas, as needed. And, because they weigh 22 tons, installation costs are kept low due to the absence of brackets or bolts needed to secure them.

“Sometimes there's some land left over between buildings which are rather narrow so it's not easy to build a new building,” Law tells Curbed. “We could put some OPods in there and utilize that land.”

The firm claims that the OPod Tube House can be built for a little over $15,000 and rented out for about $400 a month, providing relief for renters in Hong Kong and other cities around the world.

Made from repurposed concrete water pipes, the OPod Tube House micro-apartments are an innovative solution to Hong Kong's housing shortage.

housing crisis solutions hong kong

micro housing solutions opod tube housing

micro housing solutions opod tube housingmicro housing solutions opod tube housinghousing crisis solutions hong konghousing crisis solutions hong kongmicro housing solutions opod tube housingTake a closer look inside this innovative housing shortage solution.

James Law Cybertecture: Website | Facebook

h/t: [Dezeen, Curbed]

All images via OPod Tube Housing.


