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24시간  현장 감시 조명을 켜 놓는 것입니다. 물론 CCTV와 함께 말입니다.

도둑들의 동선을 24시간 감시하는 것입니다. 수고스럽지만....

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Miss. (WCBI) – From renovation to big builds, it looks like a construction boom in the Golden Triangle area.

With large building projects going on, that means a lot of tools and materials.

If not put away properly, they can be open for anyone to steal.

After several arrests were made last Friday at the Court Square Towers in Columbus on counts of forced entry and burglary, it may seem like locking the doors isn’t enough.

However, if some extra measures are taken, it can ensure that expensive tools and building supplies can remain untouched when left alone.

Most of these sites aren’t manned 24/7, so when workers head home, there are basic measures to take to make sure any objects left behind are safe from theft.

“Making sure all your accesses are closed up, making sure your windows are closed up and that type of stuff. Proper signage on the building, we have a lot of signage on the front of this building with ‘Don’t come here.’ and that kind of stuff,” said CEO of Renovations of MS Inc., Chris Chain.

You might see wood and other building materials lying around a site more than tools.

“Tools are more expensive than materials on a job site most of the time, so you’ll have all types of saws and different types of tools. You want to make sure that you keep those in job boxes and are locked up,” said Chain.

For Chain’s business, he takes a few extra steps to ensure some security for his sites.

“We also install lights that run all the time in the building, so when you’re walking down the sidewalk you have some light here coming out of the windows,” said Chain.

It doesn’t necessarily mean all burglaries will stopped, but it does take the number of them down.

“Job sites, if you do the proper things, keep it lit and that type of thing, I think you’ll… 90% of that stuff will go away,” said Chain.

Chain also mentioned that security cameras work well when dealing with burglaries.

That way, they can either identify the thief or stop him from committing the crime all-together.



