일본 싱크홀 사고 긴급 복구 작업 동영상 [Timelapse] Watch Japan’s Gigantic Sinkhole Be Repaired in Just Under a Week

 지난 8일 일본 후쿠오카(福岡)현 후쿠오카시의 한 지하철역 앞 도로 

대형 싱크홀 사고 발생 일주일만에 복구가 완료됐다.


일본 후쿠오카 도심에 15m 대형 싱크홀 

A massive sinkhole swallows a 5-LANE road in Japan: 30ft deep void causes widespread chaos:VIDEO


edited by kcontents

Last week, there was a giant hole in the middle of a Fukuoka, Japan street, spanning 98 feet long by 88 feet wide by 50 feet deep, due to underground subway work causing a sinkhole.  Less than 7 days later, all the utility lines were repaired, the hole was filled, the asphalt laid, and the road is back open.  It was a true testament to what a considerable amount of manpower and money can do in a short period of time.



