숲속의 모든 생물을 만날 수 있는 가상현실 프로젝트 Virtual Reality Device Allows Users to Wander the Forest through the Eyes of an Animal(VIDEO)

Virtual Reality Device Allows Users to Wander the Forest through the Eyes of an Animal

'In the Eyes of an Animal  동물의 눈 속에서 '

런던의 디자인 스튜디오 '마쉬맬로우 레이저 피스트사'의 가장 최근에 개발한 제품이다.

간단히 말해서 동물의 눈으로 본 자연 숲속의 모습들을 가상 현실(VR)로 보여준다.

이 행사는 영국 그리즈데일 숲에서 AND 페스티발에서 주관했는데  

자연에 IT기술을 접목시켜 가상현실 세계의 경험을 사람들에게 보여주기 위한 것이다.

이 미래 지향적인 프로젝트는 사용자가 나무 위로 날게해주기도 하고  고해상도의 생물 등 

그리즈데일파크의 모든 것들을 만나거나  볼 수 있게 해준다

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By Kristine Mitchell 

In the Eyes of an Animal is the newest brainchild from the London-based design studio Marshmallow Laser Feast,allowing you to take a fascinating journey through the forest with the eyes of an animal. Located in Grizedale Forest, UK and commissioned by the AND Festival, this installation is a virtual reality experience that merges nature with technology. The futuristic project lets users fly above the trees, come face to face with hi-definition critters and even embody various animals, all within the lush undergrowth of the Grizedale landscape.

The installation further explores the capabilities of Lidar data, a remote sensing technology. After scanning the Grizedale forest with a Lidar scanner, the points collected are then decimated into real-time and combined with further data collected with CT scanning and photogrammetry techniques. Each rendered scene harmoniously blends environmental elements collected with Lidar with other dynamic particles takien from the CT scans of insects and animals. The overall experience is further enhanced with audio additions that inspire whole-body bass vibrations in order to recreate the sensations of a breathing and flying animal. The results are a hyper-realistic experience, that lets you explore the forest like another creature.

This virtual reality experience allows users to discover nature through the eyes of an animal, opening up a brand new perspective of the world. Check out the video, below, to get a taste for this amazing new technology.

Marshmallow Laser Feast: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Booooooom]

"from past to future"

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