'세계의 미녀들' 사진작가, 희귀한 북한 여성 사진 공개 "Atlas of Beauty" Photographer Provides a Rare Look at Women in North Korea
"Atlas of Beauty" Photographer Provides a Rare Look at Women in North Korea
세계의 미녀들 The Atlas Of Beauty
루마니아 여성 사진작가 미하엘라 노로크는 약 37개국을 여행하며 각국 여성의
모습을 찍어왔다.
가방과 카메라, 그리고 최소한의 자금으로 여행을 다니며 찍고자 했던 건,
다름아닌 여자의 얼굴 뿐이었다.
연예인도 아니고 모델도 아니고
그냥 자신의 나라에서 살고 있는 평범하고도 평범한 보통 여성들의 얼굴이다.
그녀는 이번에 북한의 여성들의 얼굴도 인터넷에 공개했다.
(참조 다음블로그 리우님의 다양한 세상)
By Jenny Zhang
Over two years ago, Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc embarked on an ambitious quest to documentdiverse examples of beauty around the world through stunning portraits of women from more than 37 countries. Her journey has taken her to a diverse range of lands, including Tibet, Iran, Brazil, and the US, but her latest destination is particularly noteworthy—none other than North Korea, the isolated and rarely photographed East Asian nation.
Traveling to cities like Pyongyang, Sinuiju, and Wonsan, Noroc had the remarkable opportunity to expand her seriesThe Atlas of Beauty to include the women of North Korea. Her subjects range from waitresses to students to factory workers, providing a unique look at some of the 24.9 million people who live in the country.
"North Korean women are not familiar with global trends, but this doesn’t mean that they are not preoccupied with their look. They are, definitely!" the photographer wrote on Bored Panda. "They have a passion for high heels and usually wear classic outfits, always accompanied by a pin, on the chest, representing one of the country’s leaders. During celebrations and other special occasions, they wear traditional colorful outfits."
Noroc is raising funds via Indiegogo so she can continue her travels around the world until she has enough material for a book. She says, "My goal is to continue and take photos of women from each country of the globe, showing that beauty is in our differences."
Mihaela Noroc: Facebook | Instagram
The Atlas of Beauty: Website | Facebook
via [Bored Panda]
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