생동감 넘치는 '거북이의 눈물 마시는 나비' Vibrant Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears in Award-Winning Photo

Vibrant Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears in Award-Winning Photo

아마 라 비다 TV는 올해의 위키미디어 사진전에 경이롭고 교육적인 

작품(당선작)을 선보였다.

목이 마른 나비가 거북이 눈에 고여 있는 눈물을 마시는 장면이다.

아마 이런 광경의 모습을 사진으로나마라도 본 사람들은 전세계적으로 

극히 드물 것이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Anna Gragert 

Ama la Vida TV captured a phenomenal Wikimedia Picture of the Year that's both visually stunning and educational. The remarkable, Ecuador-based snapshot features Dryas julia butterflies quenching their thirst with a drink of fresh turtle tears. While this may seem like unusual behavior, there's actually a name for it—lachryphagy, aka tear-feeding. It's one of the many ways in which butterflies secure moisture and nutrients. From the looks of it, it seems that turtles are happy to help when it comes to a butterfly's need for hydration.

Aside from the photo's informative nature, there's a surreal vibrance to it as well. Ultimately, it's no wonder that this dreamlike image won Picture of the Year in 2014.

Ama la Vida TV: Website | Facebook
Wikimedia Picture of the Year: Website
via [ColossalTwisted Sifter]

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