타워크레인 붕괴사고 유가족,민사재판에서 판결 뒤엎다 Fatal crane incident costs contractor $47.8m

The crane collapsed into the penthouse apartment of a building at 91st Street on Manhattan’s Upper 

East Side before crashing down into the street. 맨하튼 펜트하우스 타워크레인 붕괴사고 현장

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   뉴욕 법원은 맨하튼 펜트하우스 타워크레인 붕괴사고로 두명이 사망한 소송에서 지미 롬마와 그의 회사들에 4천7백 8천불을 지불하라고 판결했다.

2008년도에 부실한 보수작업으로 인한 타워크레인 붕괴로 두명이 사망한 바 있다.

법원은 당시 크레인 운전기사였던 도널드 레오 가족에게 1천5백만8천불을 붕괴된 타워크레인 깔려 사망한 Ramadan Kurtaj의 가족에게 32백만불을 지불하라고 명령했다.

사고는 타워크레인의 슬루링 장착브라켓 부분의 용접부가 절단되면서 발생했다.

2012년 롬마의 변호인은 사용된 타워크레인은 무자격 회사가 중국에서 수리된 부품을 사용했다고 주장해  살인(고의가 아닌) 및 기타 범죄에 대해 무죄를 판결받았으며 수리를 담당한 기계정비사인 Tibor Varganyi에게는 업무 태만으로 인한 치사죄와 1년간의 지역봉사를 판결받았다.

민사소송은 롬마가 차사고로 부상을 당해 6개월이 지연된 11월에야 시작됐으며 6월에 유가족들은 롬마에 대한 민사재판에서 승리하게 된 것이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Fatal crane incident costs contractor $47.8m

by John Bambridge

A New York jury in a civil suit has ordered Jimmy Lomma to pay $47.8m in damages to two men who died in a 2008 tower crane collapse – an incident resulting of shoddy repair work on the crane involved.

The jury ordered Jimmy Lomma and his companies to pay $15.8m to the family of Donald Leo, who was operating the crane at the time, and $32m to the family of Ramadan Kurtaj who was crushed by the falling crane superstructure.

The collapse occurred when a repaired weld on a slew ring mounting bracket gave way – a failing attributed by lawyers to Lomma for allowing the part to be repaired in China by a company that was unqualified to carry out such a repair.


Lomma was acquitted of manslaughter and other criminal charges in 2012, while lead mechanic Tibor Varganyi, who organised the repair, pled guilty to criminally negligent homicide and was sentenced to a year of community service.

The trial began last October after a six-month delay, after Lomma was injured in a car accident, but in June, the families won the right to pursue Lomma personally for damages in the civil courts.




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