보스턴 리비어 비치(Revere Beach)의 샌드 조각 축제 Masterfully Crafted Sand Sculptures at the 2015 Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival(VIDEO)

Masterfully Crafted Sand Sculptures at the 2015 Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival

보스턴  리비어 비치(Revere Beach)

리비어 비치는 1895년 개설된 미 최초 비치로 옥외갤러리로 변신해 올해 모래 축제가 열

리고 있다.

리비어 비치 파트너쉽은 2004년부터 매년 축제를 여는데 수십만명의 관광객들이 방문한


올해는 75만명이 이 곳을 찾아 15천불의 상금이 걸린 샌드 조각대회(7월24일~26일)의 

20명의 마스터들의 작품을 보고 돌아 갔다.

대회의 룰은 엄격하다.

참가자들에게는 10톤의 모래와 5.4mx 5.4m의 면적이 주어지고 24시간내에 작품을 완

료해야 한다.




2.독창성과 창의성

3.조각의 양질성

4.시각적 효과


여기 올려진 사진은 모두 입상자들 작품이다.

보스턴  리비어 비치(Revere Beach)

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Jenny Zhang 

Last weekend, Boston's Revere Beach (established in 1895 as the first public beach in the US) was transformed into an open-air art gallery thanks to the 2015 Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival. Hosted by theRevere Beach Partnership, the annual festival has attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors each year since 2004. This year, over 750,000 beachgoers gathered to watch 20 master sand sculptors from around the worldcompete to win $15,000 in prize money by building larger-than-life works of art from July 24 to 26.

The artists had to follow strict rules during the contest. According to Celebrate Boston, the competition provides each sculptor 10 tons of sand and an assigned 18’ x 18’ square exhibit area. Artists are limited to 24 total hours of work, spread out over several days. The sand sculptures are judged based on the following criteria: 1) degree of difficulty, 2) originality and creativity, 3) quality of sculpting, and 4) overall visual impact.

The results, as can be seen in photos taken at the event, are absolutely brilliant. Human forms, expressive faces, architectural details, and strange creatures come to life in an amazing display of artistic talent. Visitors were wowed by the diverse collection of sculptures, which will remain standing until they erode away naturally.

To see the full list of winners, check out the results published on NoBo Magazine's website.

Above photo source: @darren_explosion

Photo source: @brendaguilart

Photo source: @rob_stefanik

Photo source: @ninawillia

Photo source: @dina_marguerite

Photo source: @dina_marguerite

Photo source: @nerdy_rebel

Photo source: @nature_and_all

Photo source: @dtso

Photo source: @jillcetel


Photo source: @miss.molly27

Photo source: @jillcetel



Photo source: @leenieface

Photo source: @miss.molly27

Photo source: @melodytang93

Photo source: @_gina_marie_86


Photo source: @miss.molly27

Photo source: @lorenzkong

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