후쿠시마1 원전, 미 해군 250여명 이상 방사능 오염, 지금까지 3명 사망 Attorney for US Navy Sailors: Third death from exposure to Fukushima fallout — Baby with brain cancer has died ..(VIDEO)

 미 해군, 후쿠시마 원전 관련사들과 법정 소송 중


edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


  후쿠시마1 원전사로 250여명이 넘는 미 해군들과 그 가족들이 방사능에 노출돼 고통받고 있다. 현재까지 어린아이 한명을 포함해 3명이 사망했다고 일본전력회사 테프코를 상대로 법정공방을 벌이는 찰스 본네르 변호사가 공개했다. 이 변호사는 테프코 외 원전소 건설에 참여한 제너럴 일렉트릭, 도시바, 히타치, EBASCO를 상대로도 법정공방을 벌이고 있다.

후쿠시마1 원전사로 초래한 결과들이 이제 막 공개되기 시작했다. 테프코 회사가 계속해서 원전소 상황이 통제 가능 상태에 있어 위험하지 않다고 확인하고 있지만, 그 말을 완전히 신뢰하기 힘들다. 사고난 직후 회사 관계자들은 또 인체 피해 위협이 없다고 발표했지만, 차후 사실이 아닌 것으로 밝혀졌다.

후쿠시마 원전사로 피해입은 첫번째 미국인들은 사고 수습을 원조하기 위해 'USS 로널드 레이건' 니미츠급 항공모함을 타고 동원된 미 해군들이다. 공식 자료에 따르면 미 해군들은 위험 지역을 벗어난 곳에 위치해 있었지만, 차후 다수에게서 방사능 오염 증세가 나타났다. 이들은 테프코를 비롯해 제너럴 일렉트릭, 도시바, 히타치, EBASCO를 상대로 소송을 제기했고 자신들뿐 아니라, 유전될 가능성을 고려해 후손들에게도 이어질 수 있는 피해에 대한 보상금을 받아낼 계획이다.

현재 250여명이 넘는 해군들이 다양한 형태의 질병으로 고통받고 있는 가운데 이미 3명이 사망했다. 사고 이후 아버지가 된 한 해군의 경우 아이가 뇌암이 걸린 상태로 태어나 올해 3월 2살 나이로 사망했다고 찰스 본네르 변호인이 '후쿠시마 응답 캠페인(Fukushima Response Campaign)' 강연회에서 발표했다.

강연회에서 그가 밝힌 자료에 따르면 미 해군들은 이 소송을 제기하기 직전 정부를 상대로 건 소송 제기를 포기하는 서류에 서명하도록 종용당했다. '종용한 이유'는 주변으로 이 정보가 확대되지 않도록 하는데 있다. 결국 유권자 표를 잃을까 우려하기 때문이라고 본네르 변호인은 설명했다.

본네르 변호인은 또 이 정보를 언론에서 특별히 함구하고 있다며 최근 그를 인터뷰한 리포터가 '이 얘기를 공개하는 일에 위험스럽지 않은지?' 물었다고 공개했다. 수조 달러 규모의 보상금을 단순히 내어줄리 만무하다며 다수 기업들이 관여되어 있어 이 정보 공개를 두려워하고 있다고 지적했다. 


Attorney for US Navy Sailors: Third death from exposure to Fukushima fallout — Baby with brain cancer has died — Reporters afraid to publish stories related to case — Professor: USS Reagan sailors were first people to be hit by plume outside of plant (VIDEOS)

Published: July 26th, 2015 
By ENENews 
Attorney Charles Bonner, representing US service members exposed to Fukushima fallout, Jul 21, 2015 (at 10:45 in): We now have a 250+ young sailors with all kinds of illnesses, we’ve had three die. We had one of the sailors who came home and impregnated his wife. They gave birth to a little baby born with brain cancer and cancer down the spine, lived for two years, and just died in March of this year.

Q&A with Charles Bonner, Jul 21, 2015 (at 4:45 in): I was just interviewed by some reporter about this case, he said, “Now, I want to interview you about this case and the current status of your lawsuit — but, you all have won, so do I have anything to worry about? Do I have to look over my shoulder if I do this story, if I publish this story?” I said, “Yeah you do.” Because trillions of dollars do not go away easily. It’s amazing that people are afraid to even do a story on this because they’re afraid of these corporations.

Kyle Cleveland, sociologist at Temple University’s Japan Campus, published Apr 29, 2015 (at 2:00 in): Like everyone else we were seeing what was on the media. The media was very alarmist, and I think ironically, some of what were taken as an overreaction or a panic in the first couple of weeks of the crisis subsequently have been vindicated to be in some ways quite reasonable claims and worries as more information have been revealed, as gov’t reports have been written… Those reports have demonstrated that the situation was really quite more serious at the time than certainly what the government was saying, and certainly what TEPCO was saying at the time. My starting point for my research was looking into the government’s FOIA documents. I was very surprised to see that there is a big difference within the United States government as they were trying to determine just how bad this was. And what I realized in those documents is that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission… was recommending a 50-mile (80 km)exclusionary zone. This was an stark contrast to the Japanese government’s recommendation of 30 km. And also I was very interested to see that the the US Navy Pacific Command and particularly naval reactors, was recommending a 200-mile exclusionary zone. So that’s a rather profound gap between 30 kilometers on the one hand with the Japanese government 80 km from the NRC [and] something like over 300 km for the US Navy… But ironically aside from the staff at the Daiichi plant maybe some at the very first people who were hit by the radioactive plume were sailors who run the United States Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group… They detected the plume at about 132 miles distance from the Daiichi plant. The FOIA  documents… demonstrate that these government officials… were very concerned about the levels that they were reading. They were indicating that they were about 30 times above background levels, and that they would exceed a ‘protective action guideline’ criteria within about a 10 hour period… The reason the US Navy had recommended a 200-mile exclusionary zone was that the Yokosuka naval base is about a 163 miles from the Daiichi plant… at the same time that the Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier was detecting the nuclear plume, the George Washington aircraft carrier which was ported down near Yokosuka was also detecting a plume and the result that they were getting were really quite alarming to them.



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