세계 원전 현황...세계 최대의 원전국가로 도약을 꿈꾸고 있는 중국 Number of nuclear reactors operable and under construction

현재 미국이 1위의 보유국이나 

궁극적으로 중국이 세계 원전 주도 예상

한국은 세계 6위권으로 원전 중심그룹에 있어

World Nuclear Power Reactors

source truthernews.wordpress.com

국내 원전 현황(23기 운영 건설 5기)

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

[세계 원전 현황]2015년 6월1일 현재 기준

전세계의 현재 가동 중인 원전 수는 437기이며 건설 중인 원전은  66기다. 앞으로 건설될 예정 원

전은 모두 168기로 집계됐다.


World Nuclear Power Reactors 

1 June 2015

source world-nuclear.org

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

  세계원자력협회 통계에 따르면 국가별로 가장 많은 원전을 보유한 나라는 미국으로 총 99기를 가동 중에 있고 5기가 건설 중에 있으며 차후 5기가 추가로 건설 예정이다

다음으로 프랑스가 총 58기를 운영 중이며 1기가 건설 중이며 1기가 추가될 예정이다. 이어 일본이 43기가 가동 중이며 3기가 건설 중이며 총9기가 건설예정이다.

다음은 러시아로 총 34기가 가동 중이며 9기가 건설 중이며 무려 31기가 추후 건설 예정으로 있다.

중국의 가동 원전 수는 26기이며 현재 24기가 건설 중이며 역시 44기의 대규모 원전 건설이 계획되어 있다. 

한국은 24기가 가동 중으로 세계 6위의 원전 보유국가로 집계됐으며 현재  4기가 건설 중이며 8기가 추후 건설 예정으로 있다.

현재 미국 유럽지역은 원전건설를 억제하고 있으며 반대로 중국과 러시아는 대규모의 원전건설을 계획하고 있다.

앞으로 건설 중 또는 건설예정인 원전수를 감안하면 중국과 러시아가 각각 세계4,5위 원전 보유국에서 미국에 이어 2,3위로 올라설 가능성이 크다. 특히 중국은 상기 외에 추가로 136기의 원전 건설 요구하고 있어 궁극적으로 세계 최고의 원전국가로 부상을 꿈꾸고 있다.



Number of nuclear reactors operable and under construction

There are currently 437 operable civil nuclear power nuclear reactors around the world, with a further 66 under construction. A list of reactors operable, under construction, planned and proposed can be found here World Nuclear Power Reactors and Uranium Requirements, updated monthly.

Details of individual reactors operable and under construction can be found in our Nuclear Reactor Database, which uses information supplied by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

It may be useful to consider the sequence: planning, site works (usually about a year), first concrete for reactor, construction (4-5 years), start-up or criticality, grid connection, commercial operation. WNA and IAEA take first concrete to grid connection as "under construction", though considerable work and expense may precede this.

Why do different sources give slightly different figures?

There can be some variation in the assessment of the operational status of a reactor. For example, the Monju reactor in Japan generated electricity for a short time in 1994 and again in 2010. Some organizations consider that Monju entered full operation and is current in a period of long-term shutdown. Others consider that it is still under construction. Also in Japan, although many reactors were unaffected by the earthquake and tsunami of 3 March 2011 and continued operations all had to eventually shut down for refuelling. However, only two had been allowed to return to service, while others seek permission to restart operations.These reactors are still counted as operable by most sources, although others consider them to be in long-term shutdown.

For reactors under construction there may be differences in interpretation of when construction starts. Considerable construction work is done prior to pouring first nuclear concrete. For example, some considered the Vogtle 3 plant to already be under construction in late 2012, although at that time nuclear concrete had not been poured.

Construction can also stop, temporarily or permanently, on reactors. Whether construction will restart and the plant enter operation can be uncertain. In the US construction on the Watts Bar 2 reactor was stopped in 1988, due to lower than expected demand. Construction restarted in 2007. In Russia construction stopped on the Khmelnitski 3 and 4 reactors in 1990, but is now planned to restart.

Some months after a reactor is connected to the grid, hence operable and operating, it will be handed over to the owners and long-term operators.  It is then said to be in commercial operation, and some figures list only those.

Finally, with construction starting on new projects, new reactors beginning operations and older reactors being retired throughout the year figures may vary simply because they are updated more or less frequently than others.



edited by kcontents 

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