카메론 총리의 자국 전투기 시리아 폭격 분노 Fury after Cameron admits he knew British RAF pilots were carrying out ISIS airstrikes 'by stealth' in Syria..(VIDEO)

Fury after Cameron admits he knew British RAF pilots were carrying out ISIS airstrikes 'by stealth' in Syria as minister says they'll carry on without approval of MPs

UK pilots embedded with allies' forces conducted airstrikes over Syria

House of Commons voted against taking military action in Syria in 2013 

Three British pilots were with US and Canada who took part in strikes

MoD said embedded personnel are effectively operating as foreign troops

영국 카메론 총리는 자국 공군 스텔스기가 국회 동의도 없이 시리아 IS를 폭격한 
사실을 알고 분노했다.

영국 하원은 2013년 시리아에 대한 군사 행동을 금지시킨 바 있으나 
3명의 영국 조종사가 미국 캐나다와 시리아 폭격에 참가했다.

한편 영국 국방부(MoD)는 국가적 개입보다 개인 명분으로 참여하는 것이 
더 효과적이라고  언급했다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Tom McTague, Deputy Political Editor for MailOnline and Hannah Parry and Larisa Brown For Mailonline
British pilots will continue to fly US fighter jets to bomb Islamic State targets in Syria without the approval of Parliament, the Defence Secretary said last night.

Ministers were accused of deceiving the public yesterday after it emerged that at least three Royal Navy pilots have been killing IS fighters in the war-torn country even though MPs have voted against military action there.

Michael Fallon said he had always known ‘a handful’ of UK military personnel were involved in air strikes against jihadists in Syria, but this was acceptable because they were embedded with the US military.

Speaking at the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, the Defence Secretary added: ‘This is quite standard practice. Isil has to be defeated. We don’t have, at the moment, parliamentary authority to carry out military strikes in Syria, but the Americans do… and they have been doing that to keep all of us safe.’

edited by kcontents 

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